Category Archive Roundup

ByHelen Stevens

January 2020 Roundup

Welcome to the new decade and the January 2020 Roundup.

We had sad news this month of the death of Michael O’Donnell. His running friend Alex Cran has paid tribute to Michael shared some wonderful memories of him below.

We have a new regular feature penned by a representative of the Committee explaining what they do. We look forward to hearing more from them in the following months.

The Roundup is nothing without the many contributions from our members. Please consider writing a report for your next race – maybe you could review the entire Cross Country season? All contributions, including photos where possible, should be sent to

As usual any omissions/errors, please let me know on the above email address.


Michael O’Donnell – A Tribute

No matter what happens some memories can never be replaced

by Alex Cran

It feels like I’ve known him for a life time but it was back in 2002/03 when I first met Michael O’Donnell, who would soon become known as Forrest.

Michael aka Forrest

Michael aka Forrest

Believe it or not Forrest was a quiet lad when he first started at Clayton. We both joined within a couple of weeks of each other and were like rabbits in the spotlights of some of the clubs best runners, and Neil Worswick!

We quickly formed a friendship as we were very evenly matched, until it came to a descent. Forrest had the motto ‘in order to descend well you had to disengage your brain, and that was easy for him as he didn’t have a brain’. His words not mine.

I have many fond memories of Forrest, and thought it would be good to share a few.

The first, I assume is how he got the nickname Forrest. No one can really remember but I like to think it came from one of John’s training groups. John has a habit of holding back on a run going in a different direction to the person at the front. Most people only fall for this once and quickly get back in the group. Not our Forrest, he fell for this time and time again and always disappeared off into the distance before anyone called him back. Of course the shouts of ‘Run Forrest Run’ came and stuck. This is when we started to see the true Forrest and some of his colourful language as he got himself back in the group.

Training was always fun with Forrest around. His language was determined by how fit he was feeling. If he was feeling a bit over weight and slow, you would always hear him cursing behind you, but if he was feeling fit and he was ahead of you, he made sure you knew about it.

It wasn’t long before we got into racing, whether it be road or fell racing. I had to be very lucky to catch him on a fell but on the flat I had a chance. Overall we were fairly evenly matched though and ended up running a lot of the relays together. One that particularly comes to mind was running the first leg of the Mary Towneley relay as a pair. We were both feeling fairly fit at the time and as luck would have it we were running against Sean and Heskey, who were running for the vets team. I have never been in such an evenly matched race. All the way round we were neck and neck until the final climb. Forrest offered his words of encouragement to Sean and Heskey then promptly shot off up the hill. Whether he got to the pair of them I don’t know but it worked and we just pipped them to take the Clayton honours.

Forrest was always a grafter and always wanted to get better. He even had a bet with me that he would do a road marathon if I would run Ben Nevis. Needlessly to say he faired far better in the road marathon than I did on the Ben.

Whilst training for the road marathon, we both entered the 12 stage road relays as part of the Clayton team. Those of you who have done these relays know the course is well flagged and marshalled, so how Forrest managed to get lost on a road relay is beyond me! He said he thought the course was a bit quiet and it wasn’t until he met some runners cooling down that he realised the error of his ways.

Forrest was a great lad with a huge heart and would do anything for anyone. He brightened up everyone’s day with his friendly banter, his smile and laugh. His passing came way too early and as a huge shock to everyone. I think, like me everyone was lost for words. It just goes to show that you don’t really know what is going on in someone’s mind. We have got to look out for each other and ask ourselves the question how can we help people who are struggling.

Forrest had a great send off, both and the funeral and the training session in his memory. He will never be forgotten. I hope as many of you as possible will make it to the Run Forrest Run trail race.

RIP Fast Lad.


Committee News

The first in what is intended to be a regular listing in the Round Up concerning what the committee have discussed in the latest meeting. This was a regular column in the old printed newsletter and its hoped reviving it here will help inform our membership what it is we as a committee do and perhaps offer a view on the different facets of our fine club!

The committee is made up of volunteers from within the clubs membership and they agree to sign up for a year (usually 12 meetings and an AGM) Most of us make 10+ meetings over the course of the year and our primary aim is to oversee the running of the club to promote and facilitate our members actual running.

This first contribution to the round up is intended to show what a regular meeting looks like. Each month we discuss the following agenda as well as other matters which arise:

  • Apologies – who isn’t there!
  • Minutes of the Previous meeting – is what has been discussed accurately recorded. These minutes can be circulated for those that want them and will likely form the basis as to what appears here each month
  • Matters arising – as it says! Usually referring back to the minutes and the actions which were required, who has done what etc.
  • Secretaries correspondence – received from club members and various third parties or members of the public such as other clubs, governing bodies etc.
  • Treasurer – Any money matters.
  • Membership – We are a club and as such have the right to approve (or otherwise!) applications to join. Any other membership matters are discussed here.
  • Team Managers and Juniors reports – Information from the relevant people is discussed here.
  • Training and Coaching – Any updates, new sessions etc. We have some news to release here imminently!
  • Media and Branding – as it suggests, kit also falls under this heading.
  • Race Promotions – anything race related.
  • Any Other Business

These meetings typically last between 60 and 90 minutes. This Agenda can be described as “usual business”. Any member can submit an item to the agenda for discussion, it will fit in to one of these headings or carry its own title and point on the agenda.

Our focus is on discussing items which promote running and/or facilitate the memberships running.

You can email the Secretary (Judith Carey) directly or indeed message or talk to a committee member as you see them at training and races: or

The Committee and their roles are listed here:

thank you

The 2020 Committee


The first Clayton race of the year is fast approaching – the Moorhouses Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round, run from Barley Village Hall on March 7th. The race starts at 11.00am, registration is open from 9.00. It is a 10 mile jaunt around Pendle, where some navigation experience can be handy!  It is also a good race for those stepping up in terms of fell racing and running.  It would be great to see a big orange turn out of both runners and those willing to help out on the marshalling side. With jobs needing doing from about 8.45 am both in the hall and on the hill please contact Colin Woolford (race organiser) to advise what you could be available for in terms of helping out either through Facebook, the website or on

Other News

Wendy Dodds – the End of an Era

by Kathy Thompson

Wendy in her Clayton vest

Wendy in her Clayton vest

After 37 years representing Clayton-le-Moors Harriers, Wendy Dodds has
changed her allegiance to Dallam Running Club, based near her home in

Wendy has been a stalwart of Clayton ladies fell teams in relays and
championships and her navigational skills will be greatly missed. Many of us
will have partnered her in Calderdale, Ian Hodgson and FRA relays, or tried to
keep up with her in fell races.

Over the years she has won numerous medals in the English and British Fell
Championships. Her enthusiasm is endless and we have all been in awe of her
determination, especially in the face of injury and broken bones. I remember
her running Blackstone Edge with a broken collarbone and last year she ran the
Grisedale Horseshoe with sore ribs and a broken arm, both to keep her in the
running for Fell Championships. She just seems to come back stronger than


So we say goodbye to Wendy and wish her all the best in her new red and blue

Race Reports

Marmot Dark Mountains Report

by Alan Dorrington

Clank, clank, clank, clank…..rattle, clankclankclank. Expletive.

So developed the regular soundtrack to our night as I, laden with 5+kg of mandatory kit, attempted to run on ground barely suited to walking before yet again falling noisily yet down another hidden hole. At least Greg my partner for the night knew I that I was still in contact with him. He was also falling over too but did so more silently as he wasn’t carrying a Ti mug containing a gas cannister, stupidly not wrapped in something soft to prevent clanking. And rattling. Lesson learned.

Welcome to Marmot Dark Mountains, the eponymously and slightly breathlessly self-styled ‘overnight winter mountain marathon with a dark twist’. It’s a simple format really – start running (in pairs) when you might be thinking about a nice Saturday beer followed by bed, and keep running and navigating all night and into the morning, cramming what might be considered sensible for a normal 2 day mountain marathon into one big night’s running. Except without the usual over-night camp but nonetheless still carrying all the gear for that eventuality in case you get caught out by weather or tiredness and decide to go to bed after all. Simples.

Given that the event was to take place at the end of January, and the location was somewhere in Snowdonia, I was glad my normal mountain marathon partner Greg provided the added security of him being a Mountain Rescue Team member and Mountain Leader student. It’s good to hang out in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere with someone sensible. The potential mandatory kit items of ice axe and crampons did bring a certain focus to the task in hand.

Alan's Kit

Alan’s Kit

The event location ‘somewhere in Snowdonia’ turned out to be the far eastern corner of the National Park, the Arenigs, and an area I had never been to before. Thoughts of wandering around the classic big mountains of the Glyders or Carneddau were banished and replaced by slightly dark warnings of lower but remote and very difficult, rough terrain, with sections of particular gnarliness marked on the custom event map by ‘Here be Dragons’ which also had amongst other things, contour heights and power lines removed from view. A somewhat de-tuned map then to make things a little harder. The warnings of the rough terrain proved prophetic, and in the end largely ruled the whole experience for better or worse. We had opted adventurously for the full-fat 12 hour score course, where we had a whole glorious 12 hours to accurately find around 50 small control kites hidden in the dark and clag of the slopes of the area dominated by the 2250ft summits of Carnedd y Elliast and Arenig Fach. Off we went into the night at 6:34pm armed with loads of warm  kit including clanking cookware, spare headtorch batteries and a little trepidation. Potentially very high winds and some heavy rain later on were forecast to keep us on our toes.

Did I mention rough terrain? Neither of us, and I gather most of the other competitors too, had been over ground which in places was as rough and un-runnable as this. No, make that un-joggable. Even walking was difficult at times – the strangest tussocky and  bouncy/spongy ground absorbed any energy from your foot strike that could be used to push off, and was littered with hidden holes that meant you either sank a couple of inches with each step or a full 12 inches or more. Hence the regular stumbling and falling. Both our hip flexors were battered after a few hours of this. Where there wasn’t tussocky hell there was heather, which even outside of the ‘Here be Dragons’ area from which we were discouraged, was still pretty aggressive. Luckily the anticlockwise loop that we opted for to hoover up controls on the highest points before the weather turned, eased in terms of the ground conditions and we were able to make better progress after the first few hours of stumbledom, though by then we were more tired and less able to run anyway.


Despite all of the terrain challenges, it was all still hugely enjoyable. Navigating on open fell at night is a very singular and immersive experience and given that in the dark and clag higher up, the visibility was down to a few metres at times, made for an absorbing and fascinating run out. When conditions were clear, usually lower down on the course, we were treated to stunning starscapes, in keeping with the Dark Sky Reserve status of the area. Throw in little spots of light from the other teams scattered all over the competition area and it made for a great spectacle. Our navigation for the most part was accurate and we only missed a couple of low value controls early on. However, the terrain was taking it’s toll, along with our body clocks which seemed to want a more sensible bedtime than was on offer, and we took a decision after around 6 hours that we wouldn’t venture into the western half of the competition area and risk an even more prolonged  battle with the very physical terrain, get caught in probably worsening weather and end up chasing the clock to get back. It was a conscious decision to go for more Type 1 fun (yay!) than Type 2 (s’alright after) and avoid the distinct possibility of plenty of Type 3 fun (never again) which neither of us really had the stomach for at the time.

And so after 9 ½ hours of deep icy bog, flail-inducing bouncy heather (weird), some nice open fell and reassuringly proper mud we rolled into Event HQ at around 4am. As one of the first back, we enjoyed nicking the hot water in the showers and had first crack at the big breakfast on offer as the other teams on the linear and shorter score courses began returning. We were satisfied that we had navigated accurately and strategically in some pretty challenging conditions, only getting properly lost on one occasion in almost zero visibility on a featureless hill top, and had ended with a reasonable score for the time we had out. As all of the other teams on our 12 hour score opted to stay out for most of the time allotted and potentially picked up more points, we ended up toward the bottom of the results, though we noted with irony that if we had been less ambitious and opted for the 10 hour score our 470 points would have placed us 7th overall. Nothing like hubris eh? However, by opting for a more comfortable and less ‘driven’ plan, we had had a great night out in an amazing and challenging area. Sadly, this is likely to be the last Dark Mountain event unless a new owner/organiser for the event can be found. It would be a shame if a true mountain test like this disappeared for good.

Northern Athletics Cross Country Championships

Report by Helana White

This is the Northerns XC at Bedale. Representing the Juniors were Imogen Ferguson and Helana White from U15 girls (4.6km), Robbie Smedley from U15 boys (4.6km), Peter Stevens, Michael Stevens, Theo Edmonson and Jack Villiers from U17 boys (6.2km), Bethany Wheatcroft from U17 girls (4.7km), Nicola Moynihan from U20 women and Charlie Parkinson from U20 men.

The weather was almost perfect conditions with no rain, and very light wind. The course was majority flat with hardly any MUD! The starts to all the races were very fast as expected. Every junior performed to their best standard coming in excellent positions.

A quote from Robbie Smedley “The start was faster than I expected which left me in a difficult position, I pulled it back though throughout the long race of three laps.”

A quote from Michael Stevens “ The course was very boring as it was flat and long as it was continuous laps”

Results Roundup

1st January – New Year’s Day Awakener, Whitworth – Results

3rd M50 – David McMullan; 1st M65 – Stephen Green; 1st F70 – Christine Leathley; 1st M70 – Ron Chappell.

4th January – Lancashire Cross Country Championships – Results

5th January – Scout Scar Fell Race – Results

3rd U17B – Jack Villiers.

11th January – Towneley XC (Mid Lancs XC League) – Results

3rd U15G – Helana White; 2nd U15G Team – Helana White, Ella Dorrington-Levy, Sianna Smith; 2nd U15B Team – William Nicholls, Connor Jones, William Woodruff; 2nd U17M Team – Jack Villiers, Jackson Mackay, Michael Stevens; 3rd Ladies’ Over 35 Team – Rebecca Rimmington, Michelle Abbott, Cassandra Darling-Smedley; 1st Ladies’ Over 55 Team – Irene Roche, Julia Rushton, Dawn Terry; 1st V70 Men’s Team – David Scott, Richard Lawson; 3rd Senior Men’s Team – Adrian Cheetham, Mark Magee, Ryan Bradshaw, James Dunderdale, Daniel Fleming, Carl Helliwell; 2nd V40M Team – Adrian Cheetham, Carl Helliwell, Chris Funnell, Scott Cunliffe.

12th January – Giggleswick School Fell Race – Results

1st U17G – Ella Dorrington; 2nd LU21 – Briony Holt; 1st LV70 – Linda Lord.

18th January – Heaton Park Cross Country (South East Lancashire Cross Country League) – Results

19th January – East Lancashire Hospice 10k – Results

3rd M45 – Craig Nicholls

19th January – East Lancashire Hospice 2K Fun Run – Results

1st – Helana White

19th January – Lamb’s Longer Leg Fell Race

Mark Nutter at La,b's Longer Leg Fell Race. Photo by Frank Golden Photography

Mark Nutter at Lamb’s Longer Leg Fell Race. Photo by Frank Golden Photography

25th January – Northern Athletics Cross Country Championships (Bedale) – Results

Clayton Ladies at Bedale - Julia Rushton, Donna Airey, Michelle Abbott, Cassie Darling-Smedley

Clayton Ladies at Bedale – Julia Rushton, Donna Airey, Michelle Abbott, Cassie Darling-Smedley

25th January – Marmot Dark Mountains – Results

25th January – Hoofstones Fell Race – Results

26th January – St Anne’s 10 Mile Road Race – Results

26th January – Birkrigg Fell Race – Results

2nd U17B – Jack Villiers

Parkrun Roundup

All the latest PBs from our club members in the local Parkruns.

 1st January 2020  Hyndburn  Andrew Orr  VM45-49  21:59
 4th January 2020  Burnley  Neil Whalley  VM45-49  20:16
 Francis Woodruff  JM10  26:22
 11th January  Hyndburn  Kevin Davies  VM55-59  19:51
 Pendle  Jeffrey Pickup  VM65-69  25:36
 18th January  Hyndburn  Charlie Barnes  JM11-14  21:54
 25th January  Burnley  Francis Woodruff  JM10  25:02
 Hyndburn  Jonny Hall  SM25-29  19:40
 Pendle  Jeffrey Pickup  VM65-69  25:05

ByHelen Stevens

December Roundup

December was a very quiet month for racing , with no cross country fixtures and just a handful of fell, road and trail races.

Read the Race Reports section to hear about our fellow team members’ race experiences.

As many of you will know, Clayton Harrier Simon Halliday tragically died earlier in the month in a caving accident. We’ve included a short article in the Roundup, but have also created a separate page with more memories, including a couple of articles written by Simon himself.

Please send any Race Reports or other articles to

Simon Halliday 1970-2020

by Jon Sharples, added to by Colin Woolford

Simon Halliday

Simon Halliday

Simon Halliday brought his infectious enthusiasm to Clayton le Moors Harriers in January 2004. He was already an established and highly competent caver but was keen to improve his fitness and endurance. Referring to himself as “a fat caver often found at the bar”, he took to fell running like a duck to water and was always keen to seek out and conquer the next challenge. He transformed his fitness and completed some of the toughest, hardest races in the fell running calendar, including the Yorkshire Three Peaks, Langdale, Borrowdale, Wasdale, the Bens of Jura and Old County Tops with
relative ease. A willing group of Clayton runners joined Simon’s Lake District training regime which became focused on tackling the famous Bob Graham Round, BGR, (72 miles, 42 summits, 29,000 feet of climbing and descending in less than 24 hours). This was a challenge that Clayton le Moors Harriers has a long and proud tradition in.

On 12th May 2007 Simon supported by his team duly completed a summer round in weather and circumstances that were quite challenging on the day. Not content with that Simon announced that he was going to attempt another BGR in the cold and darkness of winter, hoping to be only the 10th person to do so. So on 22nd December 2007 (The shortest day of the year!) the team was mustered again and an epic run began. The weather was challenging from the outset with ice, snow, and mist making progress difficult. At halfway Simon was some way behind schedule and the consensus was
that a successful round could not be achieved. However, Simon thought otherwise. So over the next dozen hours the schedule was gradually clawed back and Simon sprinted to the finish at the Moot Hall in Keswick with 3 minutes to spare! Simon wrote proudly and passionately of his BG experiences with the “Clayton BG Machine”.

Afterwards Simon continued to be an active fell runner with Clayton for several years, always seeking out and completing new challenges such as the Three Peaks Yacht race and the Scottish Islands Race. Then gradually other challenges appeared on the horizon and Simon moved on to be a successful Triathlete, Ironman, long distance cyclist and finally a caver again. In his day job he was a Master Builder and worked in the family business. He always kept in touch with Clayton Harriers and as recently as November 2019 had a run with Barley Badgers, Clayton’s Tuesday training night
group of headtorch fell runners, of which he was a founder member.

Whatever Simon turned his attention to he did so 100% and he did it well. He leaves a wife Toni, a son Connor and a daughter Isabella. Our thoughts are with them.

Simon will be very fondly remembered and is very sadly missed.

Tributes to Simon Halliday

The English Fell Championships

A few of us are keen to get more people involved with the English Fell Championships, especially but not exclusively male V50. It’s a good chance to see some new places, pitch yourself against the best around and run for your club. The more you can do the better, especially in the far flung races and later races where enthusiasm drops and you can scoop up some points. To score individually you should try to do 4 races and each of the 3 distances.

The races are spread through Cleveland, The Peak District, The Lake District and Shropshire

Date Category Race
04-04-20 M Guisborough 3 Tops
16-05-20 S Alderman’s Ascent
13-06-20 L Ennerdale Horseshoe
04-07-20 M Blencathra
29-08-20 S  Arnison Crag Horseshoe
20-09-20 L South Mynd Tour

For Women’s team Chamionships the first 3 in the club count. In the Mens open category the first 5 of the club count, 4 in the V40 and 3 in all other categories.

Race Reports

Kong Series Race 2 – SOB

by David Edmondson

This is a Kong Fell Race that visits: Stile End, Outerside and Barrow. I made it just over 4.5 miles with just over 2000 foot of climb. There were a few Clayton runners present although I was the youngest at a sprightly 52, maybe something fun was happening elsewhere? So I lined up with Jon Sharples, Andy Firth and Wendy Dodds.

Slogging up the first climb.

Slogging up the first climb.

Interesting weather for this race with the first accent up Stile End straight into a stiff wind and a few ice pellets thrown in. I started nice and easy and gently wound it up. My descending is gradually getting better after some time away from fell racing but wearing x talons didn’t help on the steep muddy slopes of Barrow, I slid a good 20 yards on my backside towards the finish. My feet are too wide for mud claws these days: feet generally get wider as you age!

I managed a respectable second V50 and 36 overall out of 181. Ambleside dominated the results with Scout Adkin and Matthew Elkington winning and they were easily first in both team competitions.

A link to the Results is in the Results Roundup.

Ribble Valley 10K

by Carl Carey

I decided to book this race back in July (and again in October when I’d forgotten I’d booked it!) because I’d been running a lot and wanted to see how I’d do compared to the last time I did it in 2016.

Up until that point, I’d been running pretty well, having broke some of my personal records, 5k and half marathon times, as well as all my Grand Prix races, but had yet to enter a fast time for a 10k race. Flat and fast Ribble Valley was my decision, hoping to finish the years running with a flourish, and hopefully a time of 44 or 45 minutes, 2 minutes faster than my previous. Seems reasonable I thought as I was now fitter and a bit quicker since then! The only problem with that was the Christmas period, really loving my food so having to be really strict (ish!). The month leading to the race was a busy one at work for me, so had to miss John’s excellent Tuesday and Thursday training sessions, resulting in me having to run on my own from home! The last few weeks before the race, it seemed my legs were made from lead every time I ran, and I began to doubt I would make even 45 minutes, let alone 44! It didn’t help that I was analysing times from previous races. Judith told me off and told me to just get on with it 😁

The week before the race, I received my number and chip through the post. This was getting serious, and didn’t help my nerves! I’d put some weight back on that I’d worked so hard to shift, my legs were heavy every time I ran, and I just wanted to get it out of the way now!

The day of the race came, got up early, had my peanut butter and banana bagel then went back to bed, but couldn’t get back to sleep so got up and got ready. Leaving reasonably early, we got a good parking spot and decided to go look and then I could get ready. Was pleased to see quite a few Clayton faces there, some with niggles and ailments but determined nevertheless!

We lined up, at the time asked, but it seemed like forever before we set off. Then, we were off! I started my watch as I passed the timing mat, then tried to settle into my race. People were passing me left and right, but experience told me to ignore them and not get dragged along at this stage. I must admit at about 2k in, I panicked a bit when certain runners caught and passed me, and I felt it was difficult at that point, but decided to press on and see how it goes. Resisting the temptation to look at my watch ( I found it doesn’t help) I suddenly came alive at the 4K marker and started to pick people off I knew were similar to me.

Carl at the start of the RV10K. Photo by David Belshaw

Carl at the start of the RV10K. Photo by David Belshaw

Surprisingly I started to see people I never usually see in races and started to worry if I’d been going too fast. 6 and 7k saw me pass quite a few people and I started to wonder if I’d be able to maintain the speed, especially when my watch buzzed to tell me I’d done the last kilometre in 4 minutes! With 2k to go, I’d passed a few of my team mates, all of us encouraging one another, until I’d caught a team mate who’d struggled a bit, but nevertheless was still quick. He told me to press on, but my lace had come untied so was conscious of tripping over that! I wasn’t going to stop though, so close to the finish, and after numerous warnings off other runners about my lace, rounded the corner to go uphill towards the finish, with no idea of my time. Judith and my girls were on the hill shouting “you can do it daddy!” and I managed a smile (which Judith later said she thought I must be ok as it’s usually a frown). As I’m getting closer, I hear the commentator call my name and shouting put it in and you’ll get sub 43! What!! Tears streaming, guts busting, I make it over the line, 42:33 chip time, not believing I’d smashed it, by nearly 5 minutes! It was Christmas again for me, I could scarcely believe it, and had tears in my eyes when I told Judith the result. She laughed and told me that she knew I’d do it, but I think she was also pleased that I wouldn’t be moping around the house disappointed!

Carl putting the effort in at the end of the RV10K. Photo by David Belshaw.

Carl putting the effort in at the end to achieve his PB. Photo by David Belshaw.

As always, a well organised race which was sold out, and had 1500 runners, but difficult because of the Christmas period! I think Judith is now glad that I’ve stopped talking about it, as I was getting on her nerves!

Ribble Valley 10K

by Jason Pier

This was the race I’d been building up to for the last few months. My final attempt at running a sub 40 minute 10k in 2019. The year had started with me never having completed a 10k in under 44.34

My training for the last few months has consisted of regular 6 – 8 mile runs, speed work at the track along with my usual treadmill sessions. In all honesty I’ve found the track sessions hard going, but looking back its helped me to maintain a regular pace for each kilometre.

The last couple of weeks leading up to the race have been a real struggle. Being a night shift worker for some reason I’ve struggled to sleep for longer than 4 hours a day. This has lead to me feeling so drained and lacking energy, so you can imagine I wasn’t expecting to run well at all.

Race day arrived and I’d finally managed to have by my standards a decent sleep of 6 hours. Up at 6.00am, breakfast and a walk with the dog, i set off to pick up Michelle Abbott and Calum en route to Clitheroe. We arrived in plenty of time to get parked up close to the start area, where we gathered with Judith and Carl Carey. After a good 2k warm up to test out the slight niggle I’ve felt recently in my hip I was ready to race.

Jason at the start of the RV10K

Jason at the start of the RV10K. Photo by David Belshaw

The race started and away we went along the road before heading down over the river at Edisford Bridge, then passing the campsite and out into the countryside. To achieve a sub 40 I needed to be under 4 minutes per kilometre. The first kilometre went well 3.46 so in my head I had a few seconds in the bank. I was so focused on maintaining a regular pace I honestly don’t remember much about the route. I reached the 5k marker in under 20 minutes so knew I had to match that for the second half of the race. Doubt starts to creep in and that you’re going to tire. Each kilometre marker passed and I was just under 4 minutes each time. Before long the 9k marker arrived, time for one last push down the hill fast as I could to give me the momentum to climb up the other side.

That done and it was just a matter of sprinting the final 300m to the finish. “Come on you can do it, just imagine you’re at the track” I kept saying to myself. The finish line seemed to take an age to arrive, over I went to finish in a time of 39.41 minutes. Absolutely buzzing, couldn’t believe it. Never ever thought at the start of 2019 I’d end the year running sub 40 for a 10k. More improvement to come yet, so new year, new goals to set. Well done to all my fellow club members on your performances at the Ribble Valley 10k.

Jason storming to a 10K PB

Jason storming to a 10K PB. Photo by David Belshaw

Finally I feel it only right to end this report by thanking a few people who have helped me along the way in 2019 to achieve my goals. Thank you to Gary Moore who got me out of a rut at the start of the year and helped me to enjoy running again. Kev Davies for your support and words of encouragement at the track even though I only ever see the back of you. My wife Jane, who’s had to put up with me being out most weekends training or racing. Marion Wilkinson, who has always believed in me to achieve my goals even when I have doubted myself. You’ve given up so much time to coach and advise me on all aspects of my running, whilst dealing with personal issues of your own. For this I’m eternally grateful.

Happy New Year to everyone at Clayton. Let’s work together and make 2020 a great year for our club.

Results Roundup

1st December – Myerscough 10 – Results

8th December – Mytholmroyd Fell Race – Results

3rd Team – Andy Laycock, Ryan Bradshaw, Craig Stansfield.

14th December – Hurst Green Turkey Trot – Results

1st MJ – Charlie Parkinson; 2nd MJ – Robbie Smedley; 3rd MJ – William Nicholls; 3rd M50 – Craig Stansfield; 1st M55 – Ivan Whigham; 2nd F35 – Michelle Abbott; 1st team – Charlie Parkinson, Robbie Smedley, Craig Stansfield.

14th December  – Kong Winter Series R2 SOB – Results

22nd December – Ian Holloway Cowm 5k – Results

27th December – Wansfell Pike Fell Race – Results (Word Document)

1st FV70 – Linda Lord.

29th December – Ribble Valley 10K – Results

3rd MV55 – Kevin Davies; 3rd FV60 – Nicola Dugdale; 2nd FV70 – Karin Goss; 3rd M75 – David Scott; 3rd FV35 – Rebecca Rimmington.

31st December – Bowstones Fell Race – Results

Parkrun Roundup

 14th December 2019  Burnley  Adrian Cheetham  VM40-44  17:17
 21st December 2019  Burnley  Adrian Cheetham  VM40-44  17:05
 Centre Vale  Neil Whalley  VM45-49  20:43
 Hyndburn  Martin Brady  VM55-59  23:58
 Kath Wallis  VW60-64  24:05
 28th December 2019 Pendle  Jeffrey Pickup  VM65-69  26:24

Junior Parkrun Roundup

 22nd December 2019  Burnley  Francis Woodruff  JM10  08:39
ByHelen Stevens

November Roundup

 November Roundup

This month has seen much rain, and, inevitably, MUD! We’ve had some great team and individual results in the Red Rose Cross Country league, with its climax at a typically muddy Marl Pits. Read about Jack Villiers’ individual success below.

The Tour of Pendle seems to have divided runners into those who loved it and those who, er, didn’t! Again, there’s a couple of race reports to illustrate the difference.

Unfortunately, with the start of December being so busy for all our team, this edition of the Roundup is shorter than normal. Please consider writing for the next edition, maybe as you wake up on New Year’s Day (optimistic I know). All contributions to

It just remains for me to wish all our lovely Orange Army a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!


Jack Villiers – Red Rose Cross Country Season

First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to my mum and dad,  Phil (my coach) and everybody else that has helped me achieve 2nd under 17 male in the Red Rose Cross Country League.

The start of the Red Rose Cross Country League is Leigh, which is flat as a pancake. I placed 6th, the U17M team 2nd – for me at this point I was just wanting to medal as a team, and thought medalling individually was highly unlikely. 2 weeks later was Bolton, the most eventful of the four in my case. Half way round the course is a water crossing, where I decided to take a dip in the water which was unbelievably cold!

I finished 4th at Bolton and the team first.

Jack managing to avoid the mud at Bolton. Photo; David Belshaw

Jack managing to avoid the mud at Bolton. Photo; David Belshaw

Todmorden was now up on the Red Rose Cross Country list. The course had to be changed because of the amount of rainfall, so it was quite muddy. I finished 4th as in the previous fixture and the team finished 2nd behind Horwich.  At that point I thought I was still unlikely to get an individual medal.

Last of all my favourite race  – Marl Pits. Going into the final race I still thought it was highly unlikely of me medalling individually. It was not until about halfway round my dad told me I had to keep 2nd in order to place 2nd overall in the Red Rose Cross Country League. Coming towards the end of the race, whilst being chased by the other competing athletes, I really had to push myself in order to achieve 2nd.

Overall, I’m really I’m proud to have come 2nd overall in the League and really proud to be part of amazing team, again finishing 2nd.

Enjoying your health and fitness

by Ian Hargreaves

I have always considered myself very lucky with regard to my various sporting activities, I have managed to be injury free all through my football career to when I finished in my late forties, and when I took up running, I only had the usual little niggles, which were usually easily shaken off or forgotten after a pint or two after the race.

However, the Ribble Valley 10k, on New Years Eve 2016, proved a turning point for me, I ran a PB of 48.44 but woke up the following day in all sorts of pain around my hip area. It eventually settled over the next few days and I continued running in discomfort for the next 18 months, having lots of physio between races.

Eventually, with my racing getting slower and slower and with my running buddies Lucy, James and Donna giving me loads of grief at training, I decided to see a consultant. The verdict in January 2019 was Rheumatoid Arthritis in both hips and they would both need replacing over a 12 month period, and the final insult from the consultant was that I would not run again.

Now for someone at 57, having had a pain free sporting career, this shouldn’t be the end of the world but I was devastated by it. Running was where I cleared my head, it was where I met like minded people who were just brilliant and who every week helped me get over the pressure of work with a pint after training sessions.

On April 5th 2019 I had my left hip replaced and had six weeks working from home before getting back to the office, by three months I was jogging and did my first 5k in August. Please don’t tell my consultant, I tell him I am doing lots of cycling!!

Xray of Ian's New Hip

Whilst I will never be the same international athlete I once was, (no cheeky comments please) I can at least attend training and do Burnley Parkrun, which allows meet to meet up with all my fellow athletes and catch up on all the Clayton chat.

Ian with James and Lucy

Ian with James and Lucy

I am due to have my right hip replaced in 2020 and am confident I will be back running again after that. Watching all the progress of our fabulous juniors and our amazing Cross Country and Fell and Trail runners will keep me focused whilst I recuperate.
So, all I would say to you fellow athletes is, enjoy every run as if it is your last, as you never know what is round the corner, and the gift of being a Clayton Club runner is one to be cherished.

Cheers Ian

Race Reports

Myserscough 10 Mile Road Race

Report by Irene Roche

The Myerscough 10 Mile road race was a well organised and enjoyable event to start December off. An early start, 10am, took us a long quiet country roads with a good touch from Jack Frost. Careful treading made sure the runners had to take extra care.

But the frost didn’t appear to cramp our style. Fellow runners from Clayton and clubs far and wide joined in banter along the way which helped to make the miles go by and before you knew it the last mile marker appears.
The route was well marshalled with plenty of support along the way.

Irene at the Myserscough

Irene at the Myserscough 10 MilemRoad Race

A definite recommendation for 2020 with a prize for everyone at the finish, Lancashire cheese. 😊


Tour of Pendle – Report 1

by Alex Braysford


Alex Braysford at Tour of Pendle

Alex Braysford at Tour of Pendle

Tour of Pendle – Report 2

by Michelle Abbott

Well… this was my first longggg fell race after the foot fracture and I absolutely loved it! After the first climb it was pretty flat in the first 8 miles, but then that took a massive change – well Hello Hills!! 3 peaks here I come!! And – bye Cassie,as I lost her (ooops) sorry, I got carried away again up the climbs and on the descents until I got back to the trig with no one in sight. I nearly went the Pendle Fell race route so decided to wait for a few runners to arrive just to double check I was going the right direction, before taking on the final decent off Pendle and back into Barley, loved it will definitely do it again next year.

Michelle on the Tour of Pendle

Michelle on the Tour of Pendle

Results Roundup

2nd November – English Cross Country Relays – Resultse

2nd November – Black Lane Ends Fell Race – Results

2nd W overall – Barbara Savage; 1st W40 – Jane Ryan; 1st W60 – Irene Roche; 2nd W60 – Jean Knightley; 3rd W60 – Julia Taylor; 1st M50 – Neil Hardiman; 2nd M55 – Mark Nutter; 2nd M60 – Jack McGuire; 2nd M65 – Richard Bellaries.

2nd November – Shepherd’s Skyline Fell Race – Results

3rd M40 – Adrian Cheetham; 1st FU23 – Briony Holt.

3rd November – 36th Dressers through the Villages, Wheelton – Results

9th November – Todmorden (Red Rose Cross Country League) – Results


3rd U15B Team – Robbie Smedley, William Woodruff, William Nicholls; 2nd U17M Team – Jack Villers, Jackson Mackay, Peter Stevens; 3rd U20W – Nicola Moynihan; 1st U20M – Charlie Parkinson; 2nd V40M – Adrian Cheetham; 2nd L65 – Katy Thompson; 1st L70 – Christine Leathley.

9th November – Hyndburn (Mid Lancs Cross Country League) – Results

3rd L20 – Briony Holt; 2nd L55 – Kath Wallis; 2nd L65 – Karin Goss; 1st L55 Team – Kath Wallis, Irene Roche, Dawn Terry;

10th November – Andy O’Sullivan 3k, Cowm – Results

2nd MJ – Michael Stevens; 3rd MJ – Peter Stevens; 2nd FJ and 2nd F overall – Helana White; 1st M60 – John Roche; 2nd F40 – Cassandra Smedley; 2nd F60 – Irene Roche; 2nd F55 – Yvonne Wickham.

16th November – Moorhouse’s Tour of Pendle Fell Race – Results

17th November – Preston 10 mile Road Race – Results

3rd F & 1st F35 – Laura Hesketh

17th November – Chorley Fire 10k – Results

17th November – Arnside Knott Fell Race – Results

17th November – Run Through Blackburn 10k – Results

23rd November – Liverpool (Mid Lancs Cross Country League) – Results

2nd L65 – Christine Leathley

24th November – Lee Mill Fell Relay – Results

24th November – David Staff Fell Race – Results (PDF file)

Mark Nutter at the David Staff Fell race. Photo by Stephen Fish

Mark Nutter at the David Staff Fell race. Photo by Stephen Fish

30th November – Marl Pits (Red Rose Cross Country League) – Results

3rd U15B Team – Robbie Smedley, William Nicholls, William Woodruff; 3rd U15G Team – Ella Dorrington, Sianna Smith, Helana White; 2nd U17M – Jack Villiers; 3rd U17M – Jackson Mackay; 1st U17M Team – Jack Villiers, Jackson Mackay, Peter Stevens; 2nd L20 – Briony Holt; 2nd L60 – Irene Roche; 1st L65 – Katy Thompson; 3rd L60 – Jean Knightley; 1st L70 – Christine Leathley; 3rd U20M – Charlie Parkinson

Red Rose Cross Country League – Provisional Overall Results

2nd U15B Team; 2nd U17M – Jack Villiers; 2nd U17M Team; 3rd L20 – Briony Holt; 2nd L65 – Katy Thompson; 1st L70 – Christine Leathley


Parkrun Roundup

A look at our runners’ latest PBs at our local parkruns.

 2nd November  Burnley  Robbie Smedley JM11-14  20:14
 Theo Edmondson JM15-17  22:20
 Henry Manning  VM80-84  48:03
 9th November  Burnley Jonny Hall SM25-29  18:30
 Neil Whalley  VM45-49  21:17
 Clitheroe  Carol Life  VW50-54 26:32
 16th November  Burnley  William Nicholls  JM15-17  20:01
 Neil Whalley  VM45-49  20:18
 Charlie Barnes  JM11-14  20:40
 Hyndburn  Kath Wallis  VW60-64  24:08
 Helen Harrison  VW50-54  28:44
 Jane Hylands  VW45-49  28:47
 23rd November  Burnley  Candice Louise Heys  VW40-44  20:43
 Centre Vale  Kevin Davies  VM55-59  18:16
 Pendle  Jeffrey Pickup  VM65-69  26:45
 30th November  Pendle  Jeffrey Pickup  VM65-69  26:37
ByHelen Stevens

October Roundup

October 2019 Roundup

October has brought us colder weather, more rain and …mud…. lots of it at the various cross countries this month, as my washing machine can testify! As ever, we’ve had runners representing the club in many races from road, cross country, trail and fell. I’ve tried to list all of these in the results roundup. If I’ve missed anything, please let me know and I’ll correct any omissions ASAP.

Many thanks to our roving reporters Chris Funnell, David Edmondson, Carl Carey and Will Herman for providing us with insights into the races they have taken on this month. It is appreciated so much!

If anyone would like a bash at writing a race report, please don’t feel shy. Email me at

Race Reports

The British Fell Relays 2019

by Chris Funnell

Saturday 19th October was the British Fell Relay Championships which this year was being hosted by Dark Peak Fell Runners in the stunning Upper Derwent Valley.  A total of 242 teams from the best of British Fell running was taking part in this 6-man relay run over 4 legs.

Clayton managed to put out 4 teams, a Men’s senior team, a Ladies team, a Men’s Vet 50 team and the enigmatic Clayton Z team.  All the team captains (Peter, Sarah, Mark and Andrew) did a superb job of planning, organising, chivvying and providing general pastoral care to make sure we had 4 strong team entries on the day.

In order to secure permissions for the relays to take place in this sensitive area of the Peak District National Park it was necessary to restrict the numbers of vehicles arriving to the nearby village of Bamford and from there the 1500 runners were shuttled to the event centre at Fairholmes by a fleet of coaches.

At this highlight of the fell running calendar there is a real buzz of excitement with anticipation of a great days racing and for many the chance to take in some unfamiliar and breath-taking scenery. The backdrop to the race start and finish area was the impressive Derwent Dam famous for being the practice area for the RAF Dambusters as this closely resembled the Ruhr Valley dams. The continuous noise of the water pouring over the dam wall contributed to the magical atmosphere made up of a mixture of pre-race adrenalin and tantalising waft of bacon butties.

The distinctive Clayton tent was staked in the midst of the event field heralding the presence of CleM Squadron. The tent provided shelter, mess and a spiritual rvp for all our teams runners throughout the day. Z squadron leader Andy Walmsley (DSO, DFC) as ever had a calming influence on the team as we were each handed our sortie briefing packs and operational equipment (race numbers, maps and pins). I was on the navigational leg (leg 3) with seasoned navigator Mark Nutter so there was no map provided for us.

Before the race start we had time for a quick reccie up the hillside flanking the side of the reservoir to get a feel for the type of terrain we would be running on. The hills were steep sided and densely covered with a combination of tussocky grass, knee-high heather and wimberry bushes and chest high bracken.  There was nothing remotely resembling any sign of previously trafficked routes by even so much as a weight conscious grouse let alone any form of established sheep trod. Choosing routes and racing lines carefully, particularly on the Nav leg was going to be paramount.  

At 1100 hours after assembling on the top of the dam wall it was chocks away for all the leg 1 runners. Simon Stansfield was first off for the Z team and was soon soaring into the distance. The rest of us waited nervously in the ops room for any news and just after 1200 we could see Simon making his final approach into the finish area and handing over to leg 2 Z Team stalwarts Andrew Firth and Richard Bellaries. Whilst both Andrew and Richard have established reputations for their “brain off brakes off” technical descent capabilities for those of us left at base we couldn’t help but wonder if our boys would make it back without any Motley HBMR style undercarriage failure of their landing gear on this difficult terrain. Throughout this period of uncertainty Sqn Ld. Walmsley managed to maintain his unflappable demeanour and at 1445 hours a distinctive flash of orange could just be seen, and Selwyn Wright’s voice crackled over the loud speaker announcing their arrival towards the changeover pen where Mark and I waited to start leg 3. 

After tagging our teammates Mark and I started up the track for 500m where we were handed the map showing our 6 check points to be visited in order. We quickly made good progress passing 5 teams on the first climb whilst simultaneously processing the map information. Mark formed a plan for the first 2 check points which quickly paid off and we passed several more teams. The route from CP2 to CP3 was long and involved crossing the steep sided Abbey Brook valley. Unlike most of the runners we could see ahead of us we opted to run towards the head of the valley to maintain our height and minimise the amount of descent and subsequent climb back out. Whilst this involved much further distance than the direct line, the running and gradient was much better, and we felt we had made a good choice. CP3 to CP4 required the unavoidable crossing of Gravy Clough and we were very nearly taken out by a K&C lady with a very effective backside toboggining technique hurtling down the steep sides. CP5 was difficult to find and although we were close its location was hidden from view in a re-entrant which cost us time and several places. Rather than take the wider route around Far Deep Clough to CP6 we opted for a more direct line which at first was good running but eventually we had no choice but to drop into the steep clough and try to scramble back out the other side. The vegetation on the far bank was impenetrable ad unforgiving and we both came out bloodied and knackered. Having reached CP6 we had the final and very enjoyable descent back into the race start through a flagged route which had become sloppier and slippier than the Cresta run and was not surprisingly a place where a large crowd had gathered ready to cheer at the performing acrobatics. Mark and I both opted for a bouncing technique barely skimming the surface of the mud which Barnes Wallis would have been proud of. Ivan Whigham brought home the Z team bacon with a faultless leg 4 run and the pride of the Z team was held intact amongst the best in the country.

The Men seniors team and Ladies Vet team also had storming runs but the honours of the day and victory roll went to the Men’s Vet 50s team who picked up the medal for Vet 50s third place. A fantastic day out thanks to all the race organisers and volunteers who made it possible and especially to all the Clayton team captains and runners who took part.  We salute you.

The British Fell Relays

by David Edmondson

The format of these relays is roughly the same each year.

  • Leg one. Distance: 7.65 kilometres; climb: 360 metres; expected winning time: 40 minutes
  • Leg two. Distance: 12.3 kilometres; climb: 484 metres; expected winning time: 65 to 70 minutes
  • Leg three. Distance: 11.2 kilometres; climb: 520-570 metres; expected winning time: 70 to 75 minutes
  • Leg four. Distance: 7.85 kilometres; climb: 375 metres; expected winning time: 40 minutes

Legs 2 & 3 run in pairs.

Open Team – 22nd Open Team out OF 80

Leg 1 Charlie Parkinson Leg 2 Dave Bagot/Andrew Laycock Leg 3 Will Herman/Russell Clarke Leg 4 Carl Helliwell

Leg 1 Charlie Parkinson
Leg 2 Dave Bagot/Andrew Laycock
Leg 3 Will Herman/Russell Clarke
Leg 4 Carl Helliwell

Ladies Team V40 – 7th V40 Womens out of 11

Leg 1 Linda Lord Leg 2 Anna Kelly/Tracy Mitchell Leg 3 Barbara Savage/Katy Thompson Leg 4 Fiona Glen

Leg 1 Linda Lord
Leg 2 Anna Kelly/Tracy Mitchell
Leg 3 Barbara Savage/Katy Thompson
Leg 4 Fiona Glen

Z Team 29th out of 34

Leg 1 Simon Stansfield Leg 2 Richard Bellaries/Andrew Firth Leg 3 Mark Nutter/Chris Funnell Leg 4 Ivan Whigham

Leg 1 Simon Stansfield
Leg 2 Richard Bellaries/Andrew Firth
Leg 3 Mark Nutter/Chris Funnell
Leg 4 Ivan Whigham

V50 Men 3rd out of 18

Leg 1 Ralph Baines Leg 2 Craig Stansfield /David Edmondson Leg 3 Neil Hardiman / Andy Armstrong Leg 4 Geoff Gough

Leg 1 Ralph Baines
Leg 2 Craig Stansfield /David Edmondson
Leg 3 Neil Hardiman / Andy Armstrong
Leg 4 Geoff Gough

Driving down in the motorhome on my own the night before the relays proved to be surprisingly exciting as I figured I’d been targeted for a hijacking by a car full of “wrong uns” who took a great interest in it as they drove slowly past and then waited up the road for me and tailed me for a while. Long story short I managed to shake them off; not easy in a motorhome!

Neil and Babs arrived on the campsite and wisely chose a pitch along way from me and the train line. I assured them over supper and a beer that the trains wouldn’t disturb me; how wrong I was, they did.

Transport to the relays had been under the spot light as you weren’t
allowed to get too close to the race headquarters so a fleet of buses was
laid on to get runners form Bamford. A few of us figured cycling was a
better option. It was a beautiful ride but took a lot longer than I thought
with quite a bit of climb. Once at the venue I think everyone was impressed with both the location and the organisation. Mark and team had also got all of teams sorted out
with numbers, dibbers and the tent placed nicely between many of our
local rivals clubs.

Ralph Baines was our leg 1 runner and had a really solid start despite
something of a bottleneck as all the teams got underway. He handed over
to myself and Craig, we worked together really well and stuck to the
flagged route. You didn’t have to follow the flags as long as you visited all
the checkpoints, a few teams had decided to try radically different routes
and a few teams decided to follow them, a risky strategy! We managed to
pass 32 team and get up to 6th in the V50. Almost as satisfying was
beating the much younger Trawden lads by 4 seconds!

Photo by Beau Dog Photography

Photo by Beau Dog Photography

We handed over to the Led 3 lads Neil and Andy. This is the real pressure
leg, the navigation section, I’ve done it a few times myself and it’s hero or
zero. If you get it wrong it’s difficult or impossible for the team to do well.
Ask Barlick, 3 of their teams were timed out! Our lads had an absolutely
fantastic leg, keeping calm and making all the right decisions. They took us
up to 4th in V50s and within sniffing distance of medal ( or mug ).

Final leg, leg 4 and the last minute stand in was Geoff, not wanting to
divulge his age but he’s 12 years older than the youngest V50 runners.
Could he get us onto the podium? We had Helm Hill in front of us in our
category and Geoff absolutely bottomed himself, when he finished he
didn’t know up from down, nothing left at all. He’d managed to get past
their runner and leave us clear of third place by almost 3 minutes. A
massive well done to Geoff!

Myself and Geoff hung on until the presentation to pick up our medal.
However, the V50 isn’t a British Fell Relay Category so no medal but we
did get a mug each and thanks to Dark Peak who provided those. We were
a bit taken back as you can see!

A mug? Photo by ID.8 photo

A mug? Photo by ID.8 photo


A great day, tiring, especially once I’d cycled back to the campsite only
just getting back before it went dark. Thanks to Dark Peak for a fantastic
event, a beautiful setting and great atmosphere.

Bronte Way

by Carl Carey

Carl looking fresh as a daisy. Photo by Dave Woodhead

Carl looking fresh as a daisy. Photo by Dave Woodhead

Having realised I had only done 2 of the 3 races required for the club trails championships, I decided to enter this, not knowing what to expect, but having fond memories of running some of the Bronte way in the Grand Prix races. Turns out I was wrong about that. I also found that I was wrong about the distance, thinking it was 9.2k instead of the 13k it eventually was!

Anyway, after having quizzed Donna Airey about it, I decided to book the race and the bus which was to take me to the start in Wycoller. After trying in vain to find some information on the route, I managed to find a strava route that again, Donna had done. This was the night before the race, where I also discovered the actual distance of it!
The day of the race came, and pre race nerves were there in abundance, as was the rain. The most stressful parts was finding somewhere to park in Haworth where you didn’t need a permit, and what rain coat to wear lol! After finding a place to park, all the time I thought I had to meet the bus had gone and I had to leg it quickly to get there. Turns out my fears were unfounded as the bus turned up 20 mins later then the 9:30 time as it had already left to make one trip to drop the first group of runners off at the start.

Finally, the bus dropped us off at the car park where we made our way to the start, and nearly got lost on the way as the path split in two and me and Lisa Ellis (fresh back from her Disney holiday) hadn’t took any notice which way the people in front of us had gone! We guessed the right way fortunately, picked our numbers up and waited with other fellow Clayton runners and a warm up run. After a nice warm up run on a nice trail, I decided to leave my rain jacket on as the weather was still wet.

Ryan leading the Charge of the Clayton Brigade. Photo by Dave Woodhead

Ryan leading the Charge of the Clayton Brigade. Photo by Dave Woodhead

The race starts, and we’re off, up the nice trail which went to an incline and I started to enjoy it, and get into my stride. Jason Pier and Ryan Bradshaw had already left, so I settled mid pack and started to find my feet. Eventually, the weather cleared and the sun came out, so on the really steep bit about 2 k in, it came off and went in my pack. Eventually I found out how ill prepared I was for this race not knowing it, so just had to get my head down and dig in. At one point, I was absolutely shattered so thought, we must be nearly finished! A quick check of my watch confirmed I had only gone half way! After clearing my head, I carried on, and soon it was me and two others who kept passing each other for the rest of the way, although one of them was quite vocal in telling some other runners to stick to the marked route instead of crossing over the fields the easier way. Annoying!

Jason Pier - regretting cross country the previous day? Photo by Dave Woodhead

Jason Pier – regretting cross country the previous day? Photo by Dave Woodhead

Anyway, eventually it settled to us 3 again, and as I looked up, I spied who I thought was Jason Pier in the distance! Surely not! It turns out it was, a combination of us three pushing each other and Jason having done the cross country the day before! Eventually I got the better of the 3 of us for a while, until I was on my own and had to stop and wait for them to catch up as I didn’t know which way to go! This was the last uphill and the battle resumed with the 3 of us, until eventually we came down into Haworth where the tarmac became my friend and I managed to leave the other two! A finish up the cobbles where there were lots of people watching and cheering and I actually felt fresh as a daisy, in stark contrast to what I’d felt 6k before. Eventually I’d finished about 30 seconds behind Jason in a time I was pleased with. But I hadn’t done XC the day before! 3rd claytoner in, 6th in my age category, and 39th out of 133 made for a good day for me!

Lisa Ellis sporting her Florida tan and sunglasses. Photo by Dave Woodhead

Lisa Ellis sporting her Florida tan and sunglasses. Photo by Dave Woodhead

After the well earned beer and soup and roll (all in that order!) I decided to go find my truck and give one of our Claytoners a lift home. Bonus! It was just down the road from the finish, which wasn’t planned as I didn’t know where the finish was! Into my truck, heated seats and home, having enjoyed the race, camaraderie and the scenery! Well done to all the Claytoners who did the race, and all the support from those who didn’t run (my heroes!) and a special mention to Lisa Ellis who came straight from the airport courtesy of Jane Hylands to do the race after her Disney holiday!

Langdale Way

by Will Herman

I doubt any who ran the Langdale Horseshoe in 2018 will forget it. The weather was interesting. As were the river crossings, the first of which was completely impassable and the course altered. The bogs of Martcrag Moor swallowed several unfortunates and at least one runner was blown clean off their feet while crossing Crinkle Crags. 2019 conditions were benign by comparison. No need to carry the additional clothing, food and bivvy bag stipulated the previous year, though Martcrag Moor still swallowed a few unfortunates.

The start was as mad a dash along the rough track as ever – a frantic few minutes of dodging rocks and runners in an effort to escape the bottleneck before the steep climb to Stickle Tarn. I found myself pacing up alongside Ambleside’s Paul Tierney – clearly his record round of the Wainwrights had not had the debilitating effect it did on Birkinshaw – who later slowly pulled away from me approaching Esk Hause.
I slowed coming off Bowfell in thick clag, making sure of my line before attacking the loose descent. A crowd had gathered at the tarns below, cheering passing runners. It spurred me on. A little too much as I ran straight past the trod to bypass Crinkle Crags. But there is little in it when the clag is down and I pushed on, still chasing Tierney and the small group I knew were a few hundred yards ahead.

Descending to the Bad Step I was lucky to pass a group of walkers just before they committed to the short down climb and picked up the pace on the long descent to Red Tarn. There is little to say about Pike of Blisco – just a head down stomp to the summit followed by one of my favourite descents on any Lakes race. Flying through the campsite, I was still chasing hard but never quite caught the group in front. But in 46th, the field including more than a few of the best from Finlay Wild who only just missed the long standing record, to Ian Holmes, I was happy enough. I’d also taken 22 minutes off my 2018 time, to finish in 2hrs.35mins.

First home for Clayton was Andy Laycock – what a year he has had – and it was great to see so many Clayton vests at one of the tougher Lakes ALs. Roll on October 2020.

Results Roundup

6th October – Hodgson Brothers Mountain Relays – Results

6th October – Chester Marathon – Results

(Photos by Linda Ensby)

12th October – Leigh (Red Rose Cross Country League) – Results

2nd U15B Team (Robbie Smedley, William Woodruff, Connor Jones); 1st U15G – Helana White; 3rd U15G Team (Helana White, Ella Dorrington-Levy, Sianna Smith); 2nd U17M Team (Jackson Mackay, Jack Villiers, Peter Stevens); 2nd U20M – Charlie Parkinson; 3rd L60 – Julia Taylor; 3rd V55M – Mark Aspinall; 3rd M Team (Mark Magee, Ryan Bradshaw, Daniel Fleming, Charlie Parkinson, Simon Smith, James Dunderdale); 3rd VM Team (Carl Helliwell, Chris Funnell, Jason Pier, Craig Stansfield).

12th October – Langdale Fell Race – Results

3rd M60 – Jon Sharples.

13th October – Andrew Heywood Memorial Windgather – Results

19th October – British Fell Relay Championships – Results

3rd V50M Team – Ralph Baines, David Edmondson, Craig Stansfield, Andy Armstrong, Neil Hardiman, Geoff Gough.

19th October – Heaton Park (SE Lancs Cross Country League) – Results

3rd U15B – Robbie Smedley; 1st L20 – Nicola Moynihan.

19th October – Northern Athletics Cross Country Relays – Results

20th October – Green Drive Five, Lytham – Results

1st F – Laura Hesketh; 1st M55 – Kevin Davies; 2nd M65 – Stephen Biscomb.

20th October – ASDA Foundation Yorkshire Marathon – Results

26th October – Leverhulme Park (Red Rose Cross Country League) – Results

3rd U15B Team – Robbie Smedley, William Nicholls, William Woodruff; 3rd U15G Team – Helana White, Sianna Smith, Ella Dorrington-Levy; 1st U17M Team – Jack Villiers, Peter Stevens, Jackson Mackay; 2nd L20 – Briony Holt; 3rd L20 – Nicola Moynihan; 1st L60 – Irene Roche; 2nd L65 – Katy Thompson; 2nd L60 – Julia Taylor; 3rd L60 – Louise Stevenson; 1st L70 – Christine Leathley; 3rd V55M – Mark Aspinall; 3rd VM Team – Carl Helliwell, Chris Funnell, Jason Pier, Gareth Berry.

26th October – Race You to the Summit – Results

27th October – Accrington 10k – Results

1st M60 – John Roche; 2nd F45 – Janice Davies; 2nd F50 – Alison Dugdale; 3rd F35 – Joanne Motley;

27th October – Bronte Way Fell Race – Results

Parkrun Roundup

A look at our runners’ latest PBs at our local parkruns.

 5th October  Burnley  Carl Carey  VM45-49  21:06
 Hyndburn  Joanne Motley VW35-39  26:31
 Helen Harrison  VW50-54  30:01
 12th October  Hyndburn  Alan Life  VM50-54  22:30
 19th October  Burnley  Sianna Smith  JW11-14  20:49
 Louie Woodruff  JM11-14  21:45
 Lottie Smith  JW10  22:50
 Clitheroe Castle  Joanne Motley  VW35-39  25:38
 Hyndburn  Emily Nicholls  JW11-14  27:25
 Witton  Rachel Gilmore  VW45-49  26:59

Junior Roundup

 6th October  Burnley  Darcey Hirst  JW11-14  09:24
ByHelen Stevens

September Roundup

 September Roundup


Race Reports

Northern Athletics Road Relays

by Richard Stevenson

(Photos from the Road Relays Facebook Page)

There are not many opportunities where you can watch and run against some of the best runners the North of England can offer or in the same stadium that will hold the British Athletics Championships next year but the Road Relays is one of them.  Yes it can be intimidating lining up against some of these athletes but it’s also a great chance to test yourself plus there’s a fantastic atmosphere inside and around the stadium.  We had 2 men’s teams entered this year with a mixture of a few who had been here before and a number of first timers which is good to see.

The senior men’s race featured a total of 106 teams with the Clayton A Team finishing in 47th place in a time of 2:20:37:

Mark Magee (22:28) – Daniel Fleming (23:04) – Ryan Bradshaw (23:31) – Simon Smith (23:59) – Charlie Parkinson (23:40) – Richard Stevenson (23:55)

Our B Team came in 93rd with:

Jonny Hall (25:23) – Iain Wilkinson (25:56) – Jason Pier (26:12) – Jeremy Bradshaw (29:42) – Carl Carey (28:05) – Justin Edwards (26:15)

Well done to all that ran and I look forward to seeing you and hopefully a few others at the next road relays.

Northern Area Road Relays

Report by Helen Harrison

As someone who didn’t start running until her mid forties, and who isn’t a particularly confident, or ‘fast’ runner, being part of a team at the Northern Athletics Autumn Road Relays was a daunting prospect, however I’ve learnt since joining Clayton to just have a go.

The event was at Sport City and involved running two laps of the Etihad Stadium, a detour into the car park (a longer detour for the men) and two laps of the running track, working out at just over 6 kms for the ladies. I arrived just in time to see one of the Stevens boys running his leg (sorry I still can’t tell you apart), the two of them along with Alfie White making up ‘the dream team’ as they were accurately described later.

As usual before a race I was nervous and feeling sick, it didn’t help that I was leg 4 of 4 in my team meaning I’d have to hang around until my three teammates had finished, looking round at the other competitors I also started to realise that I was at the older end which could realistically mean that I would be the last female runner on the track (fortunately there were 6 in the men’s teams meaning they’d finish after me)!

Once the senior races started though my nerves began to calm as I was distracted looking out for our runners to cheer on, warming up, being instructed in how the pen system worked, where to queue waiting for my turn and trying to work out the map of the route.

I’m never going to win anything (apart from Millom parkrun…), but for me the biggest and best part of taking part in anything like this is wearing my vest and the team atmosphere, everyone is always so supportive.

Rebecca Rimington from our ladies A team, along with Donna Airey from my team were the first to set off, Michelle Abbott and Julia Rushton were both on leg 2 followed by Cassandra Smedley and Jane Hylands on leg 3 then finally Janice and I were able to set off. Janice set off a few minutes earlier than me and because of the layout of the course we were able to encourage each other a couple of times on the way round (I actually couldn’t speak whereas Janice was very vocal – thank you!). I was also cheered on by some of our senior men, a couple of the Trawden men who passed me, Cassie, Michelle and children had hung on to cheer me on as they were leaving and our team cheerleaders back in the athletics stadium.

The layout of the course on the map looked complicated and I was worried about not knowing where to go, I needn’t have worried though as it was fully marshalled and signed. I was happy with my time as it was close to the fastest pace I’ve ever run, despite a summer of too much food, drink and lying in the sunshine, and bonus our team didn’t come last and I wasn’t the last lady!

The highlight of my day though was hearing Julie Bradshaw shouting my name from across the athletics track, that got the biggest smile from me! Julie is such a massive part of our team, she’s always there at almost every run I do, and parkrun, cheering everyone on and it does make such a difference.

Thank you Team Clayton and our band of supporters for a fab day out, and for continuing to build my confidence – and if you’re reading this and have never done anything like it – put your name forward next time!

Ulverston Cross Country

Report by Helen Stevens

Let me start by being plain: I am not a runner. I never ran at school, I’ve never been one for exercise in general, I’m more adapted for comfort than speed. However, about 5 years ago, I’d driven through Towneley Park enough times when Parkrun was on and never seen a “larger” runner, so convinced myself that the way to a svelte figure was through running. So I’d give it a go.

Firstly I tried Couch25K, on a treadmill. I got to about 10 minutes of solid running before I convinced myself I couldn’t do it. I tried a couple of parkruns, in the cold wind and rain, and gave up. Then I found a free book called Beginner’s Luck, with a free running programme to try. The book works on your head while the programme is much easier to follow. This worked, and soon I was back at parkrun, getting faster. But still not looking like the stick I expected to transform into (I’m still waiting).

It must have been around this time that I persuaded either one or the other twin to jog round parkrun with me. I think I managed running alongside one for a short period before they were off. And that was the start of their running journey. Whereas I was beset with a recurrent Achilles problem, due to (according to the twins) my useless form. I’ve had a suitable amount of poking and prodding by sports therapists, and found the solution in Dave Edmondson’s magic Pilates class, I’ve now had no problems for a year.

I persuaded, OK, forced, Rachael White into doing to Burnley 10K with me. We trained separately, then together, and in her I’ve found a wonderful running friend. Burnley 10K over and done with, I half suggested cross country to Rachael as a joke, then found myself promising to do at least one this year. Eeek. I’m driving Peter and Michael to the fixtures, so I may as well join in, right?

Leigh was the one I was aiming for, flat and just 5k. But Ulverston came first, I thought I was reasonably ready for it. I knew I was going to come in last, and was only bothered from the team’s perspective, not my own. I asked the twins about the course, if they thought I would manage it. And here comes the lesson:

Never believe a twin when they tell you a course is “flat with just one hill”

That’s what they told me, and looking at it from the playing field, it didn’t look much of a hill. So, attired in my new trail shoes, Clayton vest, and race number (!) I thought I was ready for anything. Nervous, but ready. I got called a hillbilly in the queue for the loo. How rude! But I think the lady was referring to Clayton’s reputation on the fells, rather than for a lack of sophistication on my part. I think.

The ladies of Team Clayton have been so supportive and lovely, they really helped me get to that start line and off, with the promise of cake at the end. I don’t think Donna said her immortal words to me (“don’t be shit”), but I managed to be pretty rubbish anyway. I’m not used to mud, my shoes made my feet hurt (a bad workman always blames his tools), and that hill….. if they’d told me how many times the course went up and over it, I probably would have skipped the race altogether.

Making it to the top. Again. Photo by Dave Wood

Making it to the top. Again. Photo by Dave Wood

Nicola Moynihan’s mum, Pat, chivvied me along, up the hills, and along the tops, down again and through the mud. (The views over Morecambe Bay are pretty spectacular from parts of the course.) I couldn’t NOT finish, and with Julie Bradshaw’s voice ringing in my ears (I think she spotted me on top of the last hilly bit and bellowed at me) stuck it to the end, and felt glad I did. I got hugs from people I didn’t know even, and I felt on top of the world.

And I wasn’t last.

What I have learned is that I’m not as fit as I thought. It’s very hard to run through mud, it tires the legs. Running with your team mates is ace. Cassie makes great cakes. Don’t run in new shoes. Cross country is great fun, even if it’s hard. And it’s much better to run it that stand around watching it.

Results Roundup

3rd September – Gorple Rocks Trail Race (inov-8 September Trail Series)

2nd M40 – Richard Stevenson; 2nd M60 – Stephen Biscomb; 3rd FS – Michelle Abbott; 2nd F40 – Cassandra Smedley.

5th September – Hades Hill Race, Whitworth – Results

2nd MS – Chris Snell

7th September – Derek Price Memorial Grisedale Horseshoe – Results

2nd M70 – Jack Holt; 3rd M70 – Kieran Carr; 3rd W50 – Jean Brown; 2nd W60 – Kath Wallis; 2nd W65 – Katy Thompson; 3rd W65 – Wendy Dodds.

8th September – Ben Nevis Race – Results

1st V60 – Nicola Dugdale.

10th September – Switchback Valley Trail Race (inov-8 September Trail Series)

3rd MS – Jackson Mackay; 2nd M40 – Richard Stevenson; 1st M60 – John Roche; 3rd M60 – Stephen Biscomb; 2nd F40 – Cassandra Smedley.

14th September – Scafell Pike Fell Race – Results

2nd M40 – Will Herman; 1st W60 – Nicola Dugdale.

14th September – Hodder Valley Show Fell Race – Results

1st M40 and 2nd Overall – Peter Coates; 2nd M40 – Carl Helliwell; 1st M70 – Jack Holt; 2nd M60 – Peter Dugdale; 1st M21 – Sean Grover; 3rd M60 – Alan Archer.

14th & 15th September – Cumbrian Way Ultra – Results

3rd F – Lisa Stansfield

15th September – Northern Athletics Road Relays

U15B Results – U17M Results – SM Results – SW Results

15th September – La Sportiva Lake District Mountain Trial – Results

2nd FV60 (Short) – Katy Thompson; 2nd FV60 (Medium) – Wendy Dodds.

17th September – Hurstwood Hills Trail Race (inov-8 September Trail Series)

3rd MS – Charlie Parkinson; 1st F40 – Cassandra Smedley; 3rd M60 – Alan Archer.

21st September – Three Shires Fell Race – Results

Lancashireman Off-Road Marathon – Results

1st Solo Female (Marathon) – Donna Airey; 1st Solo Male (Marathon) – Dave Motley; 2nd Solo Male (Marathon) – Richard Stevenson.

22nd September – Padiham 10k – Results

3rd MS – Nicholas Hennessey; 1st F35 – Joanne Motley; 2nd F55 – Julia Rushton;

22nd September – Ilam Park Fell Race – Results

1st M70 – Jack Holt; 1st W60 – Kath Willis; 2nd W65 – Wendy Dodds; 3rd W65 – Katy Thompson.

28th September – Thieveley Pike Fell Race – Results

1st M60 – Geoffrey Gough; 3rd M60 – Peter Dugdale; 1st M70 – Jack Holt; 1st FU17 – Ella Dorrington; 2nd FU17 – Sophie Ashworth; 3rd F40 – Fiona Glen; 1st F45 – Tracy Mitchell; 1st F70 – Linda Lord; 2nd F70 – Karin Goss.

28th September – Ulverston (Mid Lancs XC) – Results

3rd U11G – Eliena Lusty; 3rd U11G Team (Eliena Lusty, Lottie Smith, Phoebe Jackson); 3rd U15G – Helana White; 2nd U15G Team (Helana White, Sianna Smith, Imogen Ferguson); 1st U17M Team (Jack Villiers, Peter Stevens, Michael Stevens); 3rd V70M – Richard Lawson.

28th September – Pilling 10k – Results

1st F, 1st F35, & 3rd overall – Laura Hesketh.

28th September – Orton Fell Race, Penrith – Results


Parkrun Roundup

 7th September Burnley  Craig Eccles VM45-49  21:23
 Eliena Lusty  JW10  22:19
 Clitheroe Castle  Andrew Priory  VM50-54  21:18
 Hyndburn  Michael Toms  VM55-59  20:46
 Jane Hylands  VM45-49  29:34
 14th September  Burnley  Kevin Davies  VM55-59  18:06
 Theo Edmondson  JM15-17  22:30
 Pendle  Susan Farnworth  VW60-64  32:14
 21st September  Centre Vale  Eleanor Edwards  JW11-14  23:53
 Hyndburn  Susan Farnworth  VW60-64  32:05

Junior Parkrun Roundup

 8th September  Burnley  Jenson Bentham  JM11-14  08:09
 Louise Lusty  JW10  10:42
 Bobby Dean Barnes  JM10  11:09
ByHelen Stevens

July/August Roundup

July/August Roundup

It’s a bit of a short edition this month – many thanks to David, Rebecca and Richard for your reports. I’m not sure that getting you to volunteer to provide race reports is working, so from now on I may also be approaching people to write about the interesting races they’ve done. Let this be your warning!

Remember you don’t have to be the best sports writer – just a few sentences and some photographs are fine. If you would like to volunteer a report, please email it to

And if I’ve missed anything out or made any mistakes, please let me know and I will fix them as soon as possible.

Race Reports

Return to the Fells

by David Edmondson

Morecambe 10k – July 7th

David Edmondson at the Morecambe 10k

David Edmondson at the Morecambe 10k

After almost 12 months of giving road running a good go I finally admitted that it’s time to go back to my first love and run on the fells again. The turning point was the Morecambe 10K on the first weekend of July. A very flat fast course and I felt I’d be able to go under 36 minutes on that course having run 36:36 in the Trafford 10K in very poor conditions back in March, I should have been faster and stronger. I was however a bit fatigued from training hard and I’d not tapered to the same extent. To cut a long story short I was running through treacle for much of the race and came in 4th in 37:07. I was third Vet 50 with a V45 in third and the winner was a V55! In fact there were only 2 runners under 35 years old in the top 10! Well it was Morecambe; I guess the jokes about god’s waiting room might have a bit truth in them. The conditions were great except a strong sea breeze, beautiful blue skies and great views across Morecambe Bay. I felt a bit deflated after the race and gazed across to the Lakeland Fells and something clicked, yes I’d had enough of road running, I’d given it my best shot, I’d set out to get an England vest and done so but once my times levelled off it didn’t really feel like there was much left for me, it seemed a bit one dimensional. Time for a change!

Kentmere Horseshoe Fell Race – July 28

Kentmere Horseshoe Route

Kentmere Horseshoe Route

I’ve not done a fell race for over two years with the exception of Fallfest last September. My last real fell race was the Anniversary Waltz in April 2017 where I came in just over the 2 hour mark but finished strong running hard along the final descent, track and road. I subsequently had some calf issues, another clue that at the time that I was still overstriding. Even before that I’d been doing a bit of work on posture, core strength and gait. I’ve subsequently focused on that process more and more, culminating in resigning from my secondary teaching career and becoming a full time Pilates Teacher.

David ascending at the Kentmere Horseshoe Race

David ascending at the Kentmere Horseshoe Race

Anyway on the last weekend of July I originally had a choice of the Lancaster 10 or the Caldervale 10 as I was planning on stepped up the road distances. A quick look at the Fellrunning Calendar showed that Kentmere Horseshoe Fell Race was that weekend. I’d only done it once before back in 2008 when I was not particularly fit but we always seemed to be on holiday that late in July so I’ve not returned despite it being a favourite route. It was an easy decision; back to fell running.
The weather forecast didn’t look great at first but a closer look showed the rain and cloud would be clearing from the east, it was however very sunny and warm, the Pete Bland van was selling out fast on peaked caps! It was great to catch up with runners I’d not seen for a few years, not just from Clayton but other local clubs; a great atmosphere.

The race started promptly at 1:00 and I wasn’t too sure of my pace or position but I wasn’t too worried either. The run out on the track was good but then up towards Buck Crag through the bracken on a steep climb we all started to feel hot, the air in amongst the trod was stifling. Although my legs felt strong I was puffing and panting going up there and really felt like I’d not done this for a while. Dave Nuttal, a former Clayton runner, was pulling away form me. Not to worry I resolved to take it pretty easy on the climb as it lasts a while and more importantly to enjoy the climb. The view on either side of Yoke, Ill Bell and Froswick are stunning and the climb is the time to enjoy them.

David enjoyed the views from the summit

David enjoyed the views from the summit


I lost a few more places running up to High Street before the nice steady descending down to Nan Bield Pass. Across this sort of terrain and feeling okay I knew I could open my legs up a bit a get some of those places back. Climbing up from the Pass I started to feel a bit of fatigue and started to remember it’d been a long while since I’d raced beyond an hour. I wasn’t the only one suffering, quite a few were suffering from the attentions of the sun and there seemed to be a lot hobbling after turning an ankle. The steady descending off Kentmere Pike again gave me a chance to move a bit faster and then the final steep and, in places, rocky descent to the valley bottom. With tired legs I took it pretty easy but by the bottom I was done. I had planned on running fast on the last mile or so which is flattish track, it wasn’t to work out quite like that: the wheels had fallen off, the only runners I passed looked worse than I did.

On reflection I’m ignoring times and numbers and focusing on how I felt. Although I lacked the strength endurance I felt like I moved well and the work I’ve done on stability, strength, posture and gait was paying off well.

Great performances from all the other Clayton runners, especially Andy Laycock who is proving to be a class act running the fastest time since Andy Brown in 2010, meanwhile Jean Brown wrapped up a Lake District Grand Prix V50 podium.
Andy Laycock 1:46:46
David Edmondson 2:01:10
Ralph Baines 2:15:25
Jean Brown 2:16:16
Teresa De Curtis 2:38:55
Nicola Spenser 2:59;39

PS I’ve an entry for Chester Marathon going cheap if anyone fancies it!

Pendleton Fell Race

by Rebecca Bradshaw

Rebecca and her dad Jez at the start of Pendleton Fell Race. Photo by David Belshaw

Rebecca and her dad Jez at the start of Pendleton Fell Race. Photo by David Belshaw

I’ve often wanted to try some local fell races but felt that I’d be out of my depth. Realising I’d have to actually do them to get better, I decided to have a go at Pendleton. I instantly regretted it when I arrived and looked desperately for someone I’m used to running with. Everyone looked like an experienced fell runner! Some friendly Clayton faces reassured me that I’d get round in one piece so I set off near the back with my dad who was running it with me. After a lap of a field, the climbing started right away but I felt surprisingly good and the views were incredible. I was feeling proud thinking I was nearly at the top then heard someone groan and looked up to see a line of runners climbing a much steeper ascent ahead.

Rebecca descending at Pendleton Fell Race

Rebecca descending at Pendleton Fell Race

I managed both climbs but my real struggle was descending. As much as I tried to follow the “brain off, breaks off” mantra, all I could think was “Lucy will kill me if I break a leg before our marathon”. I nervously and ungracefully made my way down and will have to do some work to change my style from elephant to mountain goat! I had a second wind with about a mile to go and knowing even I couldn’t get lost at that point, I pushed on to the finish without my dad (sorry dad, I had to mention beating you!). I was overwhelmed by how encouraging and inclusive fell runners are and felt like I’d been instantly adopted into the community. If anyone is lacking in confidence but wants to try some fells, I would urge you to just have a go. It definitely won’t be my last!

The Blisco Briscoe Dash

by Richard Briscoe

One of my favourite races in the fell running calendar this. On a Wednesday afternoon after work I decided to drive up to the Langdales to do the race. On the way the weather wasn’t that bad but when I got to Kendal the rain started, I thought it was only going to be a shower. I brought my tent up with me so I arrived at Dungeon Ghyll pitched up my tent in the driving rain and got ready for the race.

The race is only five miles but there I over 2500 feet of climbing. The start of the race its a fast road section and then the path cuts off to the right going towards red tarn and to the summit of Blisco. I got to the top the weather was terrible thick fog and driving rain there were a group of up together I was with Ivan Wigham I think we took the longer descent cos of the weather but we found the route back where we came.

Richard on the Ascent. Photo by Grand Day Out Photography

Richard on the Ascent. Photo by Grand Day Out Photography

Ivan passed me on the descent it was very slippy on the rocks by the river but got to the road section so I had to try and catch up so had to speed up on the road. I finished the race and was drenched, some of the runners went straight back to the Old Dungeon Ghyll. I had a quick shower and got changed and caught up the lads in the pub for the presentation and afterwards there was folk music on so I was a good day and night all round.

Results Roundup

2nd July – Rochdale 10k – Results

2nd M60 – Alan Clarkson

2nd July – Stoodley Pike Fell Race – Results

1st MU18 – Jackson Mackay; 2nd MU18 – Charlie Parkinson.

3rd July – Astley Park Trail Race Series 3/4 – Results

6th July – Blackfell Race – Results

6th July – Heptonstall Festival Fell Race – Results

3rd MS – Dave Motley; 3rd MV40 – Carl Helliwell; 2nd V50 – Neil Hardiman.

7th July – Hendon Brook (PBGP) – Results

3rd M50 – Chris Funnell; 2nd M60 – John Roche; 2nd FS – Elizabeth Stephenson; 3rd F35 – Donna Airey; 2nd F40 – Lisa Stansfield; 1st F60 – Irene Roche; 3rd F40 – Cassandra Smedley; 3rd F50 – Helen Harrison; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 2nd F60 – Julia Taylor.

7th July – Morecambe 10k – Results

3rd V50 – David Edmondson

7th July – Skiddaw Fell Race – Results

9th July – Ian Terry Memorial 5k Cowm Reservoir Race – Results

1st MJ and 2nd overall – Nicholas Hennessey; 1st Female and 1st FJ – Helana White; 3rd MJ – Peter Stevens; 1st M60 – John Roche; 3rd M60 – Alan Clarkson.

11th July – Bull Hill Fell Race – Results

1st M60 – Brian Horrocks

13th July – Warton 10k – Results

13th July – Wasdale Fell Race – Results

14th July – Towneley 10K (PBGP) – Results

1st MJ – Nicholas Hennessey; 3rd M50 – Chris Funnell; 1st M60 – John Roche; 2nd M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 1st F60 – Irene Roche; 1st F55 – Julia Rushton; 3rd FS – Sophie Carr; 3rd F50 – Helen Harrison; 3rd F60 – Julia Taylor; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 1st M75 – David Scott; 2nd F70 – Christine Leathley.

14th July – Towneley Junior Races (PBGP) – Results

2nd M9 – Francis Woodruff; 2nd F13 – Eleanor Edwards; 1st F15 – Helana White; 2nd M15 – Robbie Smedley; 3rd M15 – William Woodruff; 1st F17 – Ella Dorrington; 2nd F17 – Bethany Wheatcroft; 3rd F17 – Tanith-Jade Ellis.

14th July – Garstang Ice Cream 10k – Results

17th July – Blisco Dash – Results (Excel Spreadsheet)

20th July – Man v Lakes – Results

21st July – Asda Burnley 10k – Results

2nd – Mark Magee; 1st Female – Laura Hesketh;

24th July – Padiham Greenway 5k (PBGP) – Results

1st MJ and 3rd overall – Nicholas Hennessey; 3rd MJ – Charlie Parkinson; 1st M55 – Kevin Davies; 3rd M40 – Gareth Berry; 2nd M60 – John Roche; 1st FS and 3rd Female overall – Rhiannon Wickham; 3rd FJ – Millie Stubbs; 2nd M70 – Barry Mitchell; 3rd F55 – Julia Rushton; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 2nd M75 – David Scott; 3rd M75 – Richard Lanson; 2nd F70 – Christine Leathley.

24th July – Padiham Greenway Junior Races (PBGP) – U7/U9 Results – U11/U13 Results – U15/U17 Results

3rd M7 Alistair Motley; 2nd F13 – Amelia Halstead; 1st F11 – Lottie Grace Smith; 1st M17 – Peter Stevens; 1st F15 – Helana White; 2nd M15 – William Woodruff; 2nd M17 – Connor Jones; 3rd M17 – Lennon Jackson; 3rd M15 – Robbie Smedley; 2nd F17 – Sophie Ashworth; 3rd F17 – Bethany Wheatcroft.

27th July – Tolkien Trail 10k – Results

1st F60 – Julia Taylor; 2nd M70 – Charlie Clutterbuck.

28th July – Kentmere Horseshoe Fell Race – Results

30th July – Uphill Fell Race (Summer Series) – Results

30th July – Downhill Fell Race (Summer Series) – Results

2nd August – Power of 5k (Lancaster) – Results

3rd August – Borrowdale Fell Race – Results

3rd August – Creag Dhubh Hill Race – Results

4th August – Worsthorne Moor (PBGP) – Results

1st M23 and 3rd Overall – Nicholas Hennessey; 3rd MS – Ryan Bradshaw; 1st M60 – John Roche; 3rd M45 – Jason Pier; 2nd FS – Donna Airey; 1st F60 – Irene Roche; 3rd FS – Sophie Carr; 2nd F70 – Karin Goss; 2nd F60 – Julia Taylor; 1st M80 – David Scott.

4th August – Worsthorne Moor Junior Races (PBGP) – Results

3rd M9 – Francis Woodruff; 1st F13 – Eleanor Edwards; 1st M15 – William Woodruff; 1st F17 – Ella Dorrington; 1st M17 – Lennon Jackson; 2nd M17 – Theo Burfield; 2nd F17 – Bethany Wheatcroft.

7th August – Astley Park Trail Race 4/4 – Results

10th August – Littondale Fete 4 – Results

12th August – Boulsworth Fell Race (PBGP) – Results

2nd W45 – Teresa de Curtis; 3rd W45 – Janice Davies; 1st W60 – Irene Roche; 1st W70 – Karin Goss; 2nd W70 – Christine Leathley; 3rd M40 – Will Herman; 3rd MU21 – Nicholas Hennessey.

12th August – Boulsworth Fell Junior Races (PBGP) – U7/U9 Results – U11/U13 Results – U15/U17 Results

2nd U11G – Lottie Grace Smith; 1st U13G – Eleanor Edwards; 2nd U13G – Eliena Lusty; 3rd U15G – Sianna Smith; 2nd U17B – Lennon Jackson; 3rd U17B – Theo Burfield; 1st U17G – Ella Dorrington; 3rd U17G – Bethany Wheatcroft.

13th August – Coppice Trail (Summer Series) – Results

14th August – Whittle Pike Fell Race – Results

1st MV60 – Geoff Gough; 3rd MV50 – Alan Life; 1st LV70 – Linda Lord.

17th August – Catherine Dowdall Memorial Fell Race, Darwen – Results

2nd M55 – Mark Nutter; 2nd M70 – Dugald McCallum; 1st F65 – Katy Thompson.

17th August – Podium 5k Races, Barrowford – A Race Results – B Race Results

1st B Race FJ – Helana White; 2nd B Race MS – Danny Fleming.

18th August – Norland Moor Trail Race – Results

22nd August – Stanley Curran 73rd Birthday 5k Cowm – Results

1st M70 – Barry Mitchell

24th August – Pendleton Fell Race – Senior Results – Junior Results

27th August – Littleborough Lions 5k – Results

28th August – Harrock Hill (4/4) – Results

31st August – Blackshaw Head Fete Fell Race – Results

Parkrun Roundup

Course PBs from our local Parkruns.

6th July Burnley Mark Magee SM30-34 16:47
Nicholas Hennessey JM15-17 17:15
Jake Anforth  JM11-14 23:27
Hyndburn Jack O’Hara  SM20-24 21:55
 13th July Burnley Chris Dunderdale  SM30-34  21:18
 20th July Burnley William Woodruff  JM11-14 19:11
Eleanor Edwards   JW11-14  22:28
 27th July Burnley Nicholas Hennessey  JM15-17 16:52
William Woodruff  JM11-14 18:57
Jack O’Hara  SM20-24 20:05
Lucy Scott SW30-34 24:40
Owen Edwards  JM10  25:10
Hyndburn Katy Thompson  VW65-69  27:09
Pendle Connor Jones  JM11-14  20:10
Susan Farnworth  VW60-64  32:55
 3rd August Burnley Charlie Parkinson  JM15-17  19:03
Bethany Wheatcroft  JW15-17  23:22
Paul Thompson  VW45-49  24:31
TJ Ellis  JW15-17  27:17
 Centre Vale Laura Hesketh  VW35-39  18:06
 Hyndburn Dawn Terry  VW55-59  26:29
 Pendle Susan Farnworth  VW60-64  32:28
 17th August  Burnley Joni Higgins  JW11-14  33:04
 Hyndburn Jack O’Hara  SM20-24  21:39
 24th August  Burnley Darcey Hirst  JW11-14  26:50
 Centre Vale Ian Hargreaves  VM55-59  30:41
 Hyndburn Jane Hylands  VW45-49  30:28
 Pendle William Woodruff  JM11-14  22:00
 31st August  Burnley Charlie Parkinson  JM15-17  18:38

Junior Parkrun Roundup

 7th July Clitheroe Castle  Charlie Fee JM11-14  07:36
 16th June Burnley  Helana White JW11-14  06:58
 Guy Whalley JM11-14  08:26
Clitheroe Castle  Emily Nicholls JW11-14  08:35
 23rd June Burnley  Olivia Huyton JW11-14  08:42
ByHelen Stevens

June Roundup

Welcome to June’s Roundup

This month you’ve got a wealth of interesting Race Reports and articles to read. The Roundup is nothing without these, so special thanks go to this month’s contributors – Rachael White, Michelle Abbott, Katy Thompson, Craig Eccles, Donna Airey, Cassie Darling-Smedley, Irene Roche and Jason Pier.

As usual, please let me know of any mistakes or omissions and I’ll sort it out as soon as possible – just email

July and August’s Roundups will be amalgamated due to holidays. Please forward your race reports as usual though. Thanks!

 Modern Pentathlon Laser Run

by Rachael White

When is running not just running?,  When you run into a target area, shoot at targets with a laser pistol until you have 5 hits and then run 400-80 m, round a course and back into the shooting range to repeat the whole process several times in an exciting first past the post Modern Pentathlon Laser Run competition .

Helana White. Photo by Rachael White

Helana White. Photo by Rachael White

This is what 2 Clayton Juniors Alfie and Helana did in the British Laser Run Championship Qualifiers on 23rd June. They both train in Modern Pentathlon, (Alfie also Fences weekly) – and entered the completion against the top British Athletes.  Both were successful in their competitions, and  have now been selected by Pentathlon GB to represent Great Britain in the European Championships in Weiden, Germany in August and the World Championships in Budapest, Hungary in early September.

Alfie White. Photo by Rachael White

Alfie White. Photo by Rachael White

Their passion for shooting and competing is infectious, so straight after the Trawden Burnley & Pendle Grandprix race, Helana & Alfie were joined by Ellisia and Robbie travelling west to Fleetwood for the School Games Qualifiers at Rossall School. – All four children were amazing (especially considering the run course had been marked out wrong and they ran an extra 400 metres). They have now been ranked against all other heats in the country and wait to see if they have made the national schools finals.

Robbie Smedley. Photo by Rachael White

Robbie Smedley. Photo by Rachael White

It is great to see the Clayton Juniors using their run speed and stamina and fitness in other sports, not just the traditional running.

Ellissia Smedley. Photo by Rachael White

Ellissia Smedley. Photo by Rachael White

Witton Park Relays Race Report

by Michelle Abbott

Well I had the pleasure of managing 9 fabulous ladies teams for the Witton Park Relays, my first one as official road captain and I had an amazing response. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of ladies. Everyone gave it their all and we had some brilliant results across the board.


Judith had an amazing sprint finish, giving everything to finish in front. Photo by David Belshaw


I just want to to say thank you to all that took part with an extra thank you to Donna Airey who went out twice – you’re a star! Hopefully I will see plenty of you ladies for the next relays at Sport City in September, you can’t beat a good team event.

Aggies Staircase Fell Race Report

Report by Katy Thompson

After several years of doing results and a couple of years of being on holiday, this was my first chance to do my local race for 10 years. A fine evening saw 88 runners set off from Punstock Road for the first climb up to Darwen Tower, then back down to the top of Bold Venture Park and up the overgrown gully that is Jacobs Ladder. Over the moor and down to the bottom of Aggies Staircase, the shortest but steepest of the three climbs, now very eroded. Then it was back past the Tower and down to the finish at Punstock, midgy as usual.

The ladies' prosecco and wine haul. Photo by Katy Thompson

The ladies’ prosecco and wine haul. Photo by Katy Thompson

I was pleased to be only a couple of minutes slower than 10 years ago. Being local, l stayed for the prizegiving, where we were given first Ladies team. I was a bit surprised as Chorley had got several ladies prizes and it turned out they were actually first team with 1st, 3rd and 4th to our 5th (Michelle Abbott), 6th (Lisa Ellis) and 8th (Me). But we got to keep the prosecco anyway!

Hendon Brook Race Report

by Craig Eccles

Having raced this three times previously over the years I knew exactly what to expect, the only difference this time round is that two years ago I had major knee surgery and was told by my surgeon that I’d never run again. Fortunately, with the right mind set and help of my superb physio and fellow fell runner, Lee Shimwell, I’ve managed to get back to running, not as fast as before but back all the same.

Being primarily a fell runner, Hendon Brook is my favourite road race, challenging but manageable.

As with all race days, I turned up to register nice and early only just missing out on race number “1” so instead I asked for my lucky number “13”. I passed the next hour chatting to other runners, some of which I haven’t seen for a very long time. It’s now 10.30am and nerves are setting in, just the usual, what if I don’t get round, how would I get back, etc, etc.

Due to the heat and the distance of the race, I decided that I’d not warm up and instead use the first mile or two as my warm up with a view of trying to preserve my knees.

 11am – the usual pre race briefing from John and we’re off, nice and steady pace, nothing silly.

Craig, lucky 13, near the start of Hendon Brook. Photo by David Belshaw

Craig, lucky 13, near the start of Hendon Brook. Photo by David Belshaw

Feeling really good up to The Shooters water station my good friend and ex club member, Mick Hughes, caught me up.  He could have just said “Hi” and shot off but he suggested that we run together for a while – this actually lasted for the next 10 miles. The heat wasn’t too bad, the occasional areas of shade and gusts of wind were very welcome.  Thoroughly enjoyed running through Catlow Ford, Thursden Valley, Coldwell and down to Trawden.

At last we’re at the centre of Colne and heading down to the Admiral Lord Rodney, not far to go now, only two and half miles and a small matter of Lenches to tackle and it’s job done.

I’ve never had a problem with Lenches previously but with the knees as they are this time it got me good and proper.  Nothing for it but to walk as fast as possible, get up it and hopefully be able to go again once at the top. A quick check of the watch confirmed that I’m not going to break any records, but I already knew that. Using every bit of guts, determination and experience I managed to keep going at a reasonable pace. You would not believe the relief I felt at seeing the back end of the golf course knowing that I am now really close to finishing.

Turning the last corner into the school, and I have no idea where it came from, I managed a bit of a sprint to the finishing line clocking 2.15.46, nowhere near my fastest time of just under 1.50 but still just to finish was all this year was about, job done.

Craig using all his reserves for a sprint finish. Photo by David Belshaw.

Craig using all his reserves for a sprint finish. Photo by David Belshaw.

Would I do it again? Absolutely, hopefully next year.

A massive thank you has to go out to absolutely everybody who gave up their time to provide water, food and support along the route.

Calderdale Way Marathon Race Report

by Donna Airey

Donna Airey with husband Alan at the Calderdale Marathon. Photo by Donna Airey

Donna Airey with husband Alan at the Calderdale Marathon. Photo by Donna Airey

I entered this local-ish marathon to use as part of training.
Registration was in Todmorden. As a point to point race, you then could either make your own way or get on the bus to the start.
The route takes in legs 6, 1 and some of leg 2 of the relays before finishing in Todmorden.
A very enjoyable route through the lovely Calderdale countryside.
Having done leg 1 a couple of times in the relays I knew what was waiting for me 10 miles in, hills, hills and more hills. Great organised event, the marshals at check points were a god send as was the food.
Was very happy to finish 2nd solo female.

Baht’at Trail Marathon Race Report

by Cassie Darling-Smedley
Michelle and Cassie enjoying their hard-earned slushes

Michelle and Cassie enjoying their hard-earned slushes. Photo: Baht’at Trail Marathon

As part of mine and Michelle Abbott’s long run days, we decided to book onto the Baht’at marathon, a tough one but we were confident that we would have been up to the miles on training runs by then so went for it. Our first marathon too.

How wrong could we be! Injuries prevented us from doing our long runs, so the furthest we had run leading up to the race was around 10k, no where near where we should have been. As you all know what we are like, this wasn’t going to stop us taking part. Our aim was to complete in around 5 1/2 hours.

The weather was rather warm as we set off. It seemed to climb, climb and climb some more. As we got to the Fell section, we took on some refreshments, scanned our chips and set back off again. The views were amazing. The route lead us through where the fires had been on Ilkely Moors, and it was amazing to see the plant life growing back. We tagged back off the Moors and it was a well deserved decent all the way back to the start, only to remember we had to do it all again.

I wasn’t aware, but Michelle had a plan on the way back up! She had spotted a chippy that was selling slush 😂 With her emergency money, we called in and enjoyed a walk to the first marshal station. We were greeted by runners of the half coming back down, most saying “you’re mad” or “rather you than me”.

To say it was tough is an understatement. I struggled on the way back down, everything was hurting. Michelle, as always, kept me going and provided entertainment throughout.

It was enjoyable but tough! First marathon completed, bring on the Ultra!

Trawden Trail Race Report

By Irene Roche
Team Clayton at Trawden (Irene crouching with the Juniors at the front). Photo by David Belshaw

Team Clayton at Trawden (Irene crouching with the Juniors at the front). Photo by David Belshaw

With the Pendle and Burnley Grand Prix now in full swing there was a record attendance for the Trawden 7 Trail Race.
Having missed last year’s race here, the long climb in the first mile (following the run round the field at the start of the race) seemed to take forever to complete. But once the top was reached we had a mixed terrain of paths, fields and more tarmac. And…plenty more hills.  It was good to see lots of new faces as well as the usual ones at the GP events.  All of which had their own race stories to discuss at the end as we mixed together with a well earned bottle of beer and pie, organised by Trawden Athletic Club.
Will be back next year!

Jason Pier’s June

by Jason Pier
The month of June started with the Kelbrook fell race. A short tough course on a mixture of tarmac, trail and fell. Again there was a record attendance at the latest Pendle & Burnley Grand Prix event. As with my previous races I managed to get a good start for the steady climb up the road and across the field, before descending down across the river and up to the other side. The big hill that everyone talks about was soon upon us. At this point you can lose or gain quite a few places on your competitors. Luckily for me I managed to gain places simply just by scrambling my way to the top. With legs like jelly I started on the fast downhill return (which is the most enjoyable part of Kelbrook race) and after a sprint finish was over the line in 26.46mins. An almost 3 minute pb and more surprising for me was the 1st V45 award, the first race award I’ve ever won. Absolutely buzzing.
Jason sprinting to the finish at Kelbrook. Photo by David Belshaw

Jason sprinting to the finish at Kelbrook. Photo by David Belshaw

Next up for me was a couple of 5k races which were Burnley Parkrun and the Barrowford 5k. I’ve been working hard on my speed in training and these two races would test how well the training had gone. They are also ideal races to judge if you run better in a morning or evening race situation. Set myself a target time of sub 20 and spurred on at the end by Danny and Ryan (thanks lads) managed a parkrun pb of 19.11. With that time also now my 5k best I moved on to the Barrowford race looking for more improvement and so I entered the A race for sub 20 runners. With very consistent lap times and again spurred on by the many shouts of encouragement I finished with yet another pb, this time 18.35.
Jason digging deep at the Podium Race, Barrowford.

Jason digging deep at the Podium Race, Barrowford.

Sabden 6 trail race was next and a first time entrant for me too. With not doing this race before I wasn’t sure what to expect. It has everything, flat, steady climbs, fast downhill and of course a sting in the tail at mile 5. This time I didn’t have my usual good start and after getting boxed in on the narrow road I had a lot of catching up to do. I managed to claw back a number of places before the hill climbs started, but on reflection may have gone off too quickly. Found it hard going on the climbs to be honest, but stuck at it and all the time thinking what was to come at mile 5. Was it as bad as everyone was saying. Coming up the rough road you could hear the cheers for those already at the climb to the reservoir, and looking to my right there it was. I must admit I quite liked that climb and I must say the support and encouragement from everyone most certainly helped. Again much like Kelbrook my legs were like jelly at the top but knew I was on my way back to the finish. Another new race ticked off and a time of 45.31 so happy with the progress.
Looking strong at Sabden

Looking strong at Sabden. Photo by SportSunday.

Last race of June was the Witton Park Relay. A great event organised by Richard Taylor which brings together club members of all abilities. It’s also a great team bonding event where everyone is rooting for each other and nobody feels under pressure. Great turn out from Clayton with many Junior, Men’s and Ladies teams taking part. Running as part of the Men’s C team along with Craig Stansfield and Iain Wilkinson we managed a respectable overall time of 55.06mins and a 35th place finish. Well done to all the Clayton teams and especially our Junior boys of Charlie Parkinson, Nick Hennessey and Jackson McKay who were not only 1st junior boys team but also broke the junior course record too.

Results Roundup

1st June – Kelbrook Fell Race (PBGP) – Results

1st MU18 – Nicholas Hennessey; 1st M45 – Jason Pier; 3rd M50 – Andrew Priory; 3rd M60 – Alan Archer; 1st M65 – Stephen Biscomb; 1st M75 – David Scott; 2nd WSEN – Claire Vincent; 3rd WSEN – Elizabeth Stephenson; 3rd W35 – Lisa Ellis; 2nd W45 – Janice Davies; 3rd W45 – Rachel Gilmore; 1st W60 – Julia Taylor; 1st W70 – Karin Goss; 2nd W70 – Christine Leathley

1st June – Long Duddon Fell Race – Results

3rd overall – Andy Laycock; 1st FV50 – Jean Brown; 1st FV60 – Wendy Dodds.

1st June – Pen-y-Ghent Fell Race – Results

2nd MV40 – Peter Coates; 1st LV60 – Nicola Dugdale

1st June – Wharfedale Trail Half Marathon – Results

3rd MV50 – Chris Funnell; 1st MV65 – Jeffrey Pickup.

1st June – Calderdale Way Ultra Races – Results

2nd June – Morecambe 10k – Results

5th June – Astley Park Trail Series 2/4 – Results

9th June – Marsden 10 – Results

12th June – Holcome Two Towers – Results

2nd M50 – Craig Stansfield; 1st M60 – Peter Dugdale.

13th June – Two Lads Fell Race, Horwich – Results

14th June – Podium, Barrowford (PBGP) – A Race – B Race – U16:30 Race – Junior Races

15th June – Pilling 10K – Results

15th June – Buckden Pike – Results

1st M60 – Peter Dugdale; 3rd M60 – Andrew Firth.

15th June – Great Lakes Fell Race – Results

1st M70 – Jack Holt

16th June – Father’s Day 10K, Lancaster – Results

1st MV60 – Alan Clarkson

16th June – British Masters 5K Road Championships, Horwich – Results

16th June – Kettlewell Fell Race (BOFRA) – Results

1st Lady – Briony Holt.

18th June – The Tor Fell Race, Helmshore – Results

3rd overall and 2nd MJ – Charlie Parkinson; 2nd M55 – Martin Brady.

18th June – Paddy’s Pole Fell Race – Results

1st MV40 – Peter Coates; 2nd MV50 – Alan Life; 3rd MV50 – Andrew Priory; 1st FV60 – Nichola Dugdale; 1st FV70 – Linda Lord.

19th June – Sabden Trail Races (PBGP) – Senior Results – Junior Results

2nd M7 – Alistair Motley; 2nd F13 – Eleanor Edwards; 1st F15 – Helana White; 2nd M15 – William Woodruff; 1st F17 – Sophie Ashworth – 2nd F17 – Bethany Wheatcroft; 1st M17 – Jackson Mackay; 3rd M17 – Peter Stevens; 3rd F40 – Lisa Stansfield; 3rd F50 – Helen Harrison; 1st F60 – Irene Roche; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 3rd MS – Mark Magee; 2nd M60 – John Roche; 3rd M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 2nd M65 – Robert Hirst; 2nd M70 – Barry Mitchell.

20th June – Aggies Staircase Fell Race – Results

3rd M50 – Alan Life; 1st W65 – Katy Thompson; 2nd M55 – Martin Brady. 1st Ladies Team (Lisa Ellis, Michelle Abbott, Katy Thompson).

27th June – Witton Park Trail Relays – Results

1st MJ Team – Charlie Parkinson, Nicholas Hennessey, Jackson Mackay; 2nd FJ Team – Helana White, Ella Dorrington-Levy, Briony Holt.

29th June – Whaley Waltz Fell Race – Results

30th June – Trawden 7 (PBGP) – Senior Results

2nd F60 – Irene Roche; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 3rd F70 – Christine Leathley; 3rd M55 – Kevin Davies; 1st M60 – John Roche; 2nd M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 1st M75 – David Scott; 1st MU21 – Nicholas Hennessey; 3rd MU21 – Alfie White.

Parkrun Roundup

1st June Burnley Iain Wilkinson SM30-34 19:20
Erin Hesketh JW10 25:12
Clitheroe Castle Charlie Fee  JM11-14 21:41
 8th June Burnley Jason Pier  VM45-49 19:11
Olivia Huyton  JW11-14  25:43
Hyndburn Martin Brady  VM55-59 24:17
 22nd June Burnley Helana White  JW11-14  18:16
Wayne McIntosh  VM35-39  21:53
Olivia Huyton  JW11-14  25:20
TJ Ellis  JW15-17  28:18
Clitheroe Castle Charlie Fee  JM11-14  21:04
Hyndburn Jack O’Hara  SM20-24  22:39
Rachel Gilmore  VW45-49  27:07
 29th June Burnley Carl Carey  VM45-49  21:16
Wayne McIntosh  VM35-39  21:44

Junior Parkrun Roundup

 9th June Burnley  Eliena Lusty JW10  08:26
 16th June Burnley  Helana White JW11-14  06:58
 Guy Whalley JM11-14  08:26
Clitheroe Castle  Emily Nicholls JW11-14  08:35
 23rd June Burnley  Olivia Huyton JW11-14  08:42
ByHelen Stevens

May Roundup

Thanks for this month’s Roundup go to Kath Brady (for uploading results to the Team Clayton Facebook page, keeping me up to date with who’s running where), to Mark Nutter for his brilliant race report, and to Jason Pier and Will Herman for writing about their running experiences this month.

As usual, if I’ve missed a race or achievement out, or if you’d like to mention a team member’s superb race effort, just let me know –

Race Reports

Pendle Cloughs Race Report 2019

Proudly sponsored by

In my report for last year’s race I promised ‘Mist over Pendle’ for 2019. How wrong I was! Despite having freak hailstorms the day before the race whilst I was putting out some of the controls it was, yet again, a case of factor 50 suncream!

103 runners set off following the flagged section through flat fields taking in the lovely aroma of bluebells from the neighbouring woodland of the Downham Estate. Appearing to lull the runners into what they might have seen as an ‘easy day out on the fells’ they soon realised the severity of the race as they reached the fell gate and met the climb up Burst Clough – the first of eight climbs. With bumbags laden with full ‘FRA Kit’ and the sun blazing down it was going to be a tough day on Pendle.

After around 45 mins the leading four were within seconds of each other at CP3 at the bottom of the ‘Big End’, but by CP6 at Ashendean Clough this was reduced to the trio of Iain Embrey (Bowland), Nick Leigh (Horwich) and record holder Tom Brunt (DkPk). Iain and Nick were pushing strongly into Ogden Clough and then up Boar Clough to the summit of the hill, whilst Tom was struggling to maintain the fast pace set by the leaders. Once reaching the summit it’s a 2 ½ mile downhill dash to the finish, but not forgetting the check point at Robin Hoods well (which some struggle to find!) on the way. It was a sprint to the finish line, which comes into sight for the last 200 meters, and it was Iain who managed to just hold off Nick by 1 second. Tom finished in 3rd place just over 3 minutes behind, although he managed to hold onto the course record of 2.04.20 which he set in 2012.

In the ladies race it was Sarah Littleman (DkPk) who showed an early promise with a lead of nearly two minutes by CP3 at the bottom of the ‘Big End’. But Jean Brown (Clayton-le-Moors) had her in her sights by CP5 at Stainscomb and managed to overtake her en route to CP6 at Ashendean Clough and powered on to win with nearly a two minute margin. Full results.

The top 20 were the lucky finishers who managed to get changed before the unforecasted downpour, with the remaining runners finishing wet, but still happy!

As usual the finishing area was crowded with runners pouring over their maps discussing their routes, or deciding which bottle of Moorhouse’s beer to choose, which all runners received as the race was sponsored by Moorhouse’s Brewery.

Many runners commented how much they enjoyed parts of the route which lacked footpaths and took them to places seldom visited on Pendle. Despite it being tougher than some expected, they all promised to be back next year.

A huge thank you to the marshals and helpers, the landowners and farmers and you, the runners, for making this race a pleasure to organise. Tell your mates about how much you enjoyed it this year and bring them back with you next year for a great race and some more Moorhouse’s beer.

One year we will have ‘Mist Over Pendle’ so you’ll be glad you found your route in clear weather this time! Next year’s race will be on Saturday 9 May 2020. See you all there!

Mark Nutter, Race Organiser

The Bob Graham Round

by Will Herman


Much has been written of the Bob Graham Round, by better writers and better runners than me.

I will not attempt to emulate them. It is too soon for one thing.

One week after completing the BG, I am still absorbing the experience, recalling moments on the mountains that I think of as home, moments with friends, moments of discomfort, of pain, of joy and of simply being. To run on the fells for nearly 24hrs is an experience few will ever know. It is one I will never forget.

It is impossible to say where the journey began. The Bob is something that has occupied my mind, at times wholly, for at least five years. It is something that I was aware of, and held muted aspirations towards for many years before that.


It was, I think, while waiting for friends beneath Rossett Pike to support an attempt in 2015, that I acknowledged my own desire to make a serious attempt. I watched three or four groups come through that day, though my friends never arrived, a knee injury forcing a halt on Fairfield.

Two years later and I found myself running up Skiddaw on my first attempt. As darkness fell, so the clag descended and from there on things got steadily worse. Leg 2 was run on bearings throughout in appalling visibility and strong winds. On Fairfield, after hours of intense concentration in dire conditions, I accepted it wasn’t meant to be and we called it a day at Dunmail. It was the right decision.

But The Bob is a journey once begun, that needs closure.

Late in 2018, I started to make serious preparations once again. Long runs in all weathers, hard days on the fells in full winter conditions, painful physio sessions, a more disciplined stretching routine than I have ever stuck too in the past…

To the dismay of some, I continued racing until the week before, recording some of my best results to date – 8th at Eskdale Elevation, 8th at Pendle Cloughs – both tough AL races covering some rough ground. Racing is perhaps not the best training for a BG but it gave me confidence. And that confidence is key.

And so after months of preparation, at 7.05am on May 18th, I set off for a second attempt, running anti-clockwise in the Clayton-le-Moors tradition, which suited my schedule and body clock.


The first two legs felt easy enough, and while it was a little harder to get going again after a rest at Wasdale, leg 3 never felt overly taxing and I arrived at Dunmail feeling confident. Leg 4 was hard. Fairfield was dispatched in short order but after that things went awry. Dizziness and nausea plagued me passing Helvellyn and for the length of the Dodds. By the end of Leg 3 I was an hour ahead of a 22hr schedule, but on leg 4, moving more slowly than I realised, the buffer I had created disappeared.

Climbing out of Threlkeld, Blencathra hidden in the clag, I clawed up the ridge for what seemed like hours. By the time we reached the summit I had other problems. My left knee was becoming increasingly painful and the descent towards Calva was a blur or darkness, clag and pain. Worse still, we were not in fact descending towards Calva. The pain in my knee was forcing me off the traverse onto a more direct descent which put less stress on the joint. By the time we arrived in the valley we were seriously off route.


There followed a nightmarish traverse, leaping through huge spongy tussocks covered in 3ft high heather, to regain the trod beside Wiley Gill. Somewhere along the way, the pain, nausea and tiredness turned to raw determination and, as though racing, I ran and paced hard up Calva. A fast descent pulled enough time back to ease off slightly on the last climb of Skiddaw and approaching the summit, choking back unexpected emotion, I stood in the bitter wind, trying to understand there were no more.


The descent was long and slow, secure at last in the knowledge I would make it to the Moot Hall within 24hrs.


After nearly 70 miles, 42 summits and some 27,000ft of ascent, at 6.52am I touched the green door of the Moot Hall, completing the Bob Graham Round.

Could I have gone faster, stopped less, taken a better line off Blencathra? Yes. Will I run it again, try for a ‘fast’ round? Maybe. But first there are the summer’s races to come. And then, maybe, Ramsay’s Round.

For now it is enough.
So many people helped along the way, not just on the weekend of the attempt, but in the months and years leading to it and I am hugely grateful to all, for the advice and encouragement given and the confidence shown.

A special vote of thanks must go to Andy Laycock who ran legs 2 & 3, and then turned out again in the early hours to run the final leg in poor conditions. And to all of the support runners, more than one of whom also ran more than one leg and whose support and enthusiasm for my attempt was humbling.

The runners:

Leg 1: Russell Clarke, Matt Perry, Chris Snell, Richard Briscoe
Leg 2: Andy Laycock, David Bagot, Peter Coates
Leg 3: Hayley Evans, Andy Laycock, Andy Webster
Leg 4: Ralph Baines, Andrew Priory, Mark Nutter
Leg 5: Hayley Evans, Andy Laycock, Ralph Baines, David Bagot

And last but far from least, thanks to Sarah Robertshaw for ferrying bags and bodies around Cumbria and making sure everyone was where they needed to be.

Thank you all.



Jason Pier’s May

Hameldon Hill
Jason at Hambledon Hill. Photo by David Belshaw

Jason at Hameldon Hill. Photo by David Belshaw

Due to me organising the Hameldon Junior Races for the last few years I’ve not been able to take part in the senior event. That changed this year with Marion Wilkinson taking over the role of presenting the junior prizes and Briony Holt relieving me of my junior tail runners job. (Thank you)  This enabled me to relax a little more and prepare for the race. I didn’t have the best of starts, getting boxed in going around the trees on the playing field. Once onto the road, I got into a good steady rhythm ready for the climb up to the top of the coppice. After reaching the top, and after my legs had recovered, I set my sights on a couple of my team mates with the aim of keeping as close to them as possible. I was feeling pretty good, and even managed to pass a couple of runners at the trig point. The long downhill return is always a fast affair and I had to give it my all to keep up with team mate and future Calderdale Way Relay Partner Gareth Berry. I was chuffed to bits to finish just behind him knocking 8 minutes off my previous best time.
Thanks to Michael Clarke, Jane Ryan and all the volunteers for putting on a great event.
Pinhaw Fell Race
Jason finishing strongly at Pinhaw. Photo by David Belshaw

Jason finishing strongly at Pinhaw. Photo by David Belshaw

First time runner at the Pinhaw Fell Race.
I arrived at registration at the cricket club in good time. Only been in the club once before and had forgotten how compact it was. After joining the long spiralling queue and waiting what seemed like ages, I had my number and was ready for the 5 mile race. Warm up complete, and after several good luck handshakes we were off. One good thing about running at a race for the first time is you don’t know what to expect. I’d heard from others that it was a long continuous climb up to the beacon, believe me it was. I managed to get up to the beacon in a decent time then it was all out on the downhill section. Lost a couple of places to the more experienced fell runners coming across the fell. Again had to work hard just to keep up with them. Luckily I pulled one place back and even managed to pass the first lady finisher at the Red Lion pub on the way to the finish line. Happy with my time of 37.25
Wholan Nook
Jason heading uphil at Wholan Nook. Photo by David Belshaw

Jason heading uphill at Wholan Nook. Photo by David Belshaw

Next race of the month for me was the Wholan Nook trail race. Another race I’d not done for a few years. The last time I ran this race it started down the lane at the far end of the lake. I took my place amongst the record number of runners and positioned myself near the front so I could get a good start. This race has everything, fast flat sections, testing up hill and fast downhill and is always a popular event. I managed to maintain a good pace all the way around and felt strong at the end picking off a couple of runners to record a time of 36.09
Again thanks to John Roche and all the volunteers.
Calderdale Way Relay
One of the main reasons for competing in the first few Grand Prix races was to judge my form against other club runners as I’d managed to be selected to run leg 2 for the B Team. I won’t deny it but I was a little worried in March when I found out I was paired with Gareth Berry. All sorts of thoughts went through my mind. ” I’ll never keep up with him”, “I’ll let the team down”, etc. After running the three races in early May I was starting to feel much more confident. I went on the official recce the week before just to make sure I knew where I was going. Race day came and we met up with Simon, Neil and Barbara leaving one car at the finish and driving the other to the start. Registration and kit check done we waited as the leg 1 runners started to come in. We took over from Iain Wilkinson and Nick Roscoe who had both run a great leg. Our leg took us up to Withins Reservoir before heading up to Stoodley Pike. Me not being as confident a fell runner on the steep decent as others a couple of teams passed us. Working hard as a pair we managed to retake a few teams heading down into Todmorden. The sting in the tail on leg 2 is Dobroyd Road. A hell of a climb on tarmac taking you up above Todmorden before the fast decent into and through the woods above Todmorden Sports Centre where we handed over to Charlie Parkinson and Keiron Mitchell. Got to say I loved the relays and was again happy with our time of 1hr 15 minutes. Cheers Gareth we made a great pairing.  Thanks to Wayne McIntosh and Paul Wale for sorting out the teams.
Burnley Lions 10k 

Last race of May for me was the Burnley Lions 10k in Colne. Great 2 lap course starting outside Colne cricket club. Testing climb up to the Alma Inn then past Colne golf club and back to the cricket club before starting lap 2. Again my thought was to position myself near the front to get away quick. Had a great tussle all the way around with team mate Andy Holt pushing each other right to the end. Very happy with a time of 41.27 on a tough course.

A Word from Will Herman – Lakes Meets:

With the Bob Graham put to bed and a minor injury on the mend, I’m planning to start the monthly Lakes meets again in July. I will post full details in the coming weeks but the first date for the diary is Sunday 14th July. The venue is likely to be Wasdale and the route around 12m, taking in the less rocky summits around Haystacks.

Results Roundup

1st May – Lothersdale Fell Race – Results

1st May – Hollingworth Lake Race 1 – Results

1st FJU16 – Helana White; 2nd MU23 – Alfie White.

4th May – Bollington 3 Peaks Fell Race – Results

4th May – Coniston Fell Race – Results

Clayton Harriers at Coniston Fell Race - photo by Dave Motley

Clayton Harriers at Coniston Fell Race – photo by Dave Motley

5th May – The John Purdy Memorial Springhill Hospice Cowm 5k – Results

5th May – Hameldon Hill Fell Race (PBGP) – Senior Results – Junior Results

3rd M45 – Andrew Holt; 3rd M60 – John Roche; 1st M70 – Dugald McCallum; 2nd FS – Clare Vincent; 3rd FS – Helen O’Rourke; 3rd F45 – Janice Davies; 3rd F55 Julia Rushton; 1st F60 – Linda Bostock; 2nd F60 – Irene Roche; 1st F70 Karin Goss; 2nd F70 – Christine Leathley.

1st F11 – Lottie Grace Smith; 2nd F13 – Eliena Lusty; 2nd M15 – Robbie Smedley; 1st F15 – Helana White; 2nd M17 – Peter Stevens; 3rd M17 – William Nicholls; 1st F17 – Sophie Ashworth.

6th May – Coiners Fell Race – Results

9th May – Ian Casey Memorial Cowm 5k Race – Results

1st M60 – Alan Clarkson; 2nd M70 – Ron Chappell

10th May – Pinhaw Trail Race (PBGP) – Results

3rd M45 – Andrew Webster; 3rd M50 – Andrew Priory; 2nd M55 – David Naughton; 1st M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 2nd M60 – Alan Clarkson; 1st M65 – Stephen Biscomb; 3rd M65 – Jeffrey Pickup.

11th May – Pendle Cloughs Fell Race – Results

1st L and 1st LV50 – Jean Brown; 2nd V50 – Mick Proctor; 2nd V60 – Brian Horrocks; 1st V70 – Jack Holt.

11th May – Flower Scar Fell Race – Results

12th May – Wigan Trail 10k – Results

14th May – Mearley Clough Fell Race – Results

1st U18M and 3rd overall – Jackson Mackay; 2nd V50 – Alan Life; 3rd U18 – Christopher Brown; 1st U23 – Sean Leo Grover; 3rd L and 1st LU18 – Ella Dorrington; 2nd LV50 – Jean Brown;  1st V60 – Peter Dugdale; 1st V70 – Kieran Carr; 1st LV70 – Linda M Lord; 2nd LV70 – Karin Goss; 3rd LV40 – Teresa de Curtis; 1st LV60 – Nicola Dugdale.

15th May – Wholan Nook Trail Race – Results

1st F60 – Irene Roche; 2nd F60 – Jean Knightley; 1st F70 – Karin Goss; 2nd F70 – Christine Leathley; 2nd MJ – Nicholas Hennessey; 3rd MJ – Charlie Parkinson; 2nd M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 3rd M60 – Alan Clarkson; 1st M65 – Stephen Biscomb;

18th May – Fairfield Horseshoe – Results

19th May – Calderdale Way Relays – Results

20th – 24th May – Dragon’s Back Race – Results

Craig Stansfield. Astonishing! Photo by No Limits Photography

Craig Stansfield during the Dragon’s Back Race. Astonishing! Photo by No Limits Photography

21st May – Ogden Valley Round – Results

24th May – Burnley Lions 10k (PBGP) – Results

2nd MJ – Nick Hennessey; 3rd MJ – Alfie White; 3rd M45 – Jason Pier; 2nd M60 – Stephen Ainsworth; 3rd M60 – Alan Clarkson; 1st M75 – David Scott; 3rd F40 – Sarah Whittaker; 2nd F45 – Janice Davies; 3rd F55 – Julia Rushton; 2nd F70 – Karin Goss.

25th May – Isle of Jura Fell Race – Results

25th May – Ras Y Moelwyn – Results

Nichola Dugdale and Jean Brown with their category winners' trophies. Photo: Andrew Firth

Nichola Dugdale and Jean Brown with their category winners’ trophies at Ras Y Moelwyn. Photo: Andrew Firth

1st FV50 – Jean Brown; 1st FV60 – Nichola Dugdale.

25th May – Hutton Roof Fell Race – Results

26th May – Helvellyn and the Dodds – Results

26th May – Sedbergh – U19 Results – U17 Results – U15 Results – U13 Results

27th May – Austwick Amble – Results

27th May – Bowley Hill – Results

29th May – Fo(e) Edge – Results

1st MV60 – Alan Archer; 3rd LSEN – Sophie Ashworth.

29th May – Hollingworth Lake Race 5 – Results

1st F and 1st FJU16 – Helana White; 3rd M U23 – Alfie White.

30th May – Ingleton Waterfalls – Results

3rd M35 – Mark Taylor; 1st M60 – Peter Duedale; 1st F60 – Jude Ashworth.

30th May – That’s so Hebden Bridge – Results


Parkrun Roundup

Date Venue Name Age Time
 4th May  Burnley  Wayne McIntosh VM35-39  22:35
 Lucy Scott  SW30-34  26:06
 Millie Hesketh  JW10  30:54
 Pendle  Martin Brady  VM55-59  23:21
 11th May  Burnley  Michael Stevens  JM15-17  17:39
 Jackson Mackay  JM15-17  18:01
 Peter Stevens  JM15-17  18:34
 Charlie Barnes  JM10  20:50
 Clitheroe Castle  Emily Nicholls  JW11-14  24:28
 Yvonne Wickham  VW55-59  28:19
 18th May  Clitheroe Castle  Craig Nicholls  VM40-44  21:06
 Pendle  Carl Carey  VM45-49  23:13
 25th May  Burnley  Helana White  JW11-14  18:30
 Connor Jones  JM11-14  20:02
 Amelia Halstead  JW11-14  22:16

Junior Parkrun Roundup

Date Venue Name Age Time
 5th May  Burnley  Olivia Huyton  JW11-14  09:02
 Erin Hesketh  JW10  09:21
 Millie Hesketh  JW10  10:38
ByJim Hickie

Asda Green Token £500 award

Clayton-le-Moors Harriers Juniors were recently presented with a cheque for £500 from the Asda Green Token Scheme. The scheme which runs quarterly in stores is to help local community groups, sees Asda customers choose from one of three causes, and give them their “green tokens”.

Clayton-le-Moors Harriers Juniors, who won the challenge in Asda Burnley for January to March this year are delighted to have been presented with a cheque for £500. The money will go towards tracksuits and other kit for the local running group which trains in Burnley, and competes all over the north of England in many different disciplines including road running, cross-country and fell running.

Annette McGowan-Doe, Asda Burnley’s Community Co-ordinator, presents the £500 cheque. Photo David Belshaw

Annette McGowan-Doe, Asda Burnley’s Community Co-ordinator, presents the £500 cheque. Photo David Belshaw

They were presented with their cheque at a training session at Barden track taken by lead coaches Marion Wilkinson and Jason Pier. Marion said “We are so pleased to receive this award from Asda. Their support for our club, and their commitment to community groups and projects is vital, and very much appreciated. The money will be well spent on our large number of Junior runners who train and show such dedication week-in, week-out”.

ByHelen Stevens

April Roundup

Clayton Harriers have been very busy racing not just all over the country (from fell to road and even the London Marathon – well done Colin White and Elizabeth Stephenson), but internationally too – see Donna Airey’s report of her fantastic Boston Marathon. It would be great to hear more from you about your race experiences – I hope this month’s report will inspire you to contribute. Email your words and pictures to

As usual, if anything is missing or incorrect, please email to let us know then it can be corrected.

Donna’s Boston Marathon

Report by Donna Airey

So I, if you haven’t heard already…..

I did a 132 day running streak, ran Jamaica Pond USA parkrun then ran a few miles in Boston. Boston Marathon, held on Patriots day and is the oldest marathon going in its 123rd year.The only way to get in is run a good for age time at another marathon or “buy” your way in.

Desperately trying to calm my nerves the night before, I came across the following quote. Boston is the cream of the crop in the marathon world, it has such history that you feel such honour to be part of it. The days leading up to marathon were treated like a holiday, cocktails, burgers, sightseeing and a lot of walking. Not ideal prep which also added to my pre race nerves.

As a point to point race, runners were transported to the start on American yellow school buses which I thought was well cool. At this point the weather was horrific. Thunderstorms and heavy rain. Athlete’s village was like a bog. Although I did smile thinking there was more mud there than I saw all XC season. By time we started it had fined up but was extremely humid.

I set off well, way faster than my “plan”. 10 miles in and the sun decided to show. By 14 miles I felt like there was no way I would finish and I hadn’t even hit the hills yet!l. Dropping the pace felt worse. The last 12 miles I decided I’d have to run/walk, best decision I made. This gave me chance to chat to other runner’s, high five dogs and every child willing and soak up every single second of it. The spectator’s were truly awesome, every single part of the route was deep with people. You could hear constant cheering, people offering all sorts of goodies, including beer (which I thought was mean). Those miles flew by.

Donna with a huge smile after finishing the Boston Marathon. Photo by Alan Airey

Donna with a huge smile after finishing the Boston Marathon. Photo by Alan Airey

Big races have never appealed to me, Boston may just have changed my mind.
Proud to see me in my Clayton vest on the finish line on Boston Marathon!

Donna with her Finishers Medal. Photo by Alan Airey

Donna with her Finishers Medal. Photo by Alan Airey

Eskdale Elevation

Race Report by Will Herman

Eskdale Elevation

Eskdale Elevation

I’d been chasing an Ambleside AC vest for what seemed like hours. He’d slipped out of sight going over Whin Rigg. I’d caught him, nearly, traversing beneath Illgill Head, bare arms freezing in the bitter wind despite the sun. I’d lost him in the tussocks north of Burnmoor Tarn. And now he was on the skyline above – still running somehow – towards the summit of Scafell. It was a gap I could close if I could just keep pace. I slipped and landed heavily before clawing up and on to reach a faint trod and better ground, forcing the legs, breathing hard.

“Keep it going lad.”

I’d heard those same words, that accent, before. Unmistakable. Joss Naylor.

I smiled. It probably didn’t look like it. And ploughed into the steep slope above. Sensing a better line, a Pennine vest was traversing towards me, spurring another short burst to keep ahead. I cut across more boulders, off the loose path towards equally steep but grassy runnels leading an intricate but direct line to the summit. We topped out together, on opposite sides of the cairn, confusing the marshals with our sudden appearance from north and south. The Ambleside runner was nowhere to be seen. The Pennine vest followed me for a while and then disappeared too. I saw no other runners until the finish, still thousands of feet and several miles below.



There can’t be many, if any races in the calendar that generate the same level of debate about route choice as the Eskdale Elevation. It all starts in the usual way – the opening charge leading up a steepish track onto the moor above Boot. But within minutes the field disperses. Not just the odd runner – the entire field. In every direction. This, and the rough ground that the route covers – from old forestry plantations to thick gorse, boulder fields and bottomless bogs – is what characterises the race. And what makes it special.

There are only three checkpoints. And even to the untrained eye, there are very obviously some decisions to be made about how to reach them. In the clag it’s a course that will require real competence with a compass. In clear weather, it is still remarkably easy to go wrong. In short, it is a race that requires mountain sense. It is everything a fell race should be. And if you thought it was all downhill from checkpoint 2 at the summit of Scafell, you would be right. But more than one faced a long climb back to Eel Tarn and checkpoint 3.

I’ve no idea which way the Pennine runner descended though he finished just shy of four minutes behind me. The Ambleside runner it transpired had finished some three and half minutes ahead in 6th place, while I was more than happy to note only seven runners gathered at the end as I passed the finish, 2nd V40 and 8th overall, with a time of 2:17:01.

Eskdale Elevation

Eskdale Elevation

What a brilliant race! And great to run it in the company of Clayton’s Ralph Baines and Andy Armstrong as well as friends from Pennine FR and Buckley Runners. So if you haven’t already, put this in your calendar for 2020. And make time for a recce beforehand.

Manx Mountain Marathon

Report by Katy Thompson

In the 1990s a small contingent of Clayton runners made the trip across to the Isle of Man each Easter to run the Manx Mountain Marathon, but in recent years only my son Paul, Simon Halliday and Jean Brown have represented the club in the race.  Paul has been across every year since 1996 and this year I decided it was time to go back.  Having run the full distance in 1996 and 2002, I knew I wasn’t fit enough to do that, so decided to do the Half Mountain Marathon over the last 13 miles of the race.  Having survived the Howgills Fell Race two weeks earlier, a similar distance with twice the climb, I was feeling quite confident.

After a 20 minute flight from Liverpool on Good Friday we were met by the friends we were to stay the night with.  Next morning Paul set off early for the coach to his start at Ramsay at 8am.  My race didn’t start until 1pm at St Johns where Paul had gone through in 6th place a couple of hours earlier.

Paul Thompson (in the middle, to the right of the man in grey). Photo by Katy Thompson.

Paul Thompson (in the middle, to the right of the man in grey). Photo by Katy Thompson.

The view from the coastal path towards the end. Photo by Katy Thompson

The view from the coastal path towards the end. Photo by Katy Thompson

It was very hot as 60 of us set off on the steep climb up Slieau Whallian, followed by a long slog up South Barrule.  From here the climbs are shorter and sharper, ending with a lovely run along the coastal path and down to the finish at Bradda Glen.   I had passed a lot of runners in the second half, and was pleased with my position of 28th, second Lady Vet in just 3 hours.  Paul had finished 6th in the full 30+ mile race in just under 6 hours.

Paul Thompson

Paul Thompson

It was lovely to sit in the sun outside the Bradda Glen café, but we had a plane to catch, so we walked into Port Erin for the bus to the airport.  I would love to go back again next year, and to stay longer to see more of the island.  Although the full race might be a bit too much for some, the Half is definitely one for the diary.

Teenager with Altitude

Race Report by Will Herman

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many 1,000 yard stares at the end of a race. Many had run the Newlands Memorial rather than Teenager with Altitude, but regardless, everyone suffered in the sun that day – most being a good 20 minutes down on expected or past form.

Clayton Runners at Newlands Valley Races

Clayton Runners at Newlands Valley Races

From the off, Teenager was brutal. The climb up Causey Pike went well enough – in fact everything was going well until starting ‘that descent’. If you have never stood on the summit of Whiteless Pike and looked down on Bleak Rigg, there is no other way to describe it but stupidly steep. And it just keeps on coming. After which a relentless climb up Robinson leads to easier ground.

This second half of Teenager is fast runnable ground. Strangely enough, I passed more than one runner having a sit down. I had to have a word to stop myself doing the same. Coming off Maiden Moor I took a daft line, one which I knew was wrong, lost me a top 20 place, and saw me pass several Newlands Memorial runners more than once. All very confusing. And I still wanted to have a sit down.

On Catbells I simply lost the plot. I remember drinking the last of the water I’d scooped up beneath Dale Head after which the last descent was a blur of blisters and mild sun stroke.

Will Herman on a brutal Teenager with Altitude. Photo by Stephen Wilson

Will Herman on a brutal Teenager with Altitude. Photo by Stephen Wilson

Not a race to underestimate and with 7,000ft of ascent, it’s up there with the longer lakes classics in more ways than one – thanks to Jean and others who cheered me on at the finish. A great turn out for the club and great to see so many Clayton vests on the hill ‘enjoying’ the sun.

Pendle Fell Race Report

Proudly Sponsored by


Report by Mark Nutter

In my second year of organising this fell race (the very first fell race I ran way back in 1984) I was pleased that it had again been chosen as the Lancashire Championships. I was pleased that the farmer had allowed me to retain the same route as last year, which involves cutting up through his fields to Buttock farm – a favourite of all runners as it takes out 1 mile of tarmac but only reduces the overall race route by ¼ of a mile. I was pleased the sun was shining and conditions underfoot were dry, making my flagging of the initial route through the farmer’s fields a breeze. I was pleased that Moorhouse’s Brewery was sponsoring the race, with bottles of beer for all finishers. I was pleased that 233 runners turned up too (50 more than last year), despite there being an English championship race being held on the same day, and clashing with other popular races. I was also pleased the Pete Bland’s van was on the car park. You can guess it, yes I was pleased!

So, on to the race. Conditions were ideal and times were going to be fast. Chris Holdsworth from Ribble Valley Harriers led the field from the whistle and maintained his clear lead to the finish, winning by nearly 2 minutes in a new course record time of 30.19. U23 Matthew Knowles from Lancaster & Morecambe AC was in 4th place on the first main climb, but his descending skills paid off and rewarded him with 2nd place overall in 32.04. The winner’s clubmate Thomas Corrigan finished in a creditable 3rd position.

Photo by Woodentops

Photo by Woodentops

In the ladies race it was last year’s winner Catlin Rice from Ribble Valley Harriers who took the win again, this year in 22nd place overall in a time of 37.18, with half a minute to spare over Nik Tarrega from York Knavesmire Harriers in 2nd place. Victoria Mousley enjoyed a fast run too, finishing just over a minute behind.

The vets categories produced some great competition too, with winners in every category up to V70 for both men and women – a creditable feat to the longevity of our sport. Full Results.

Prizegiving was held in the village hall, with all category winners receiving Pete Bland vouchers, a presentation pack from Moorhouse’s Brewery, T-Shirts and bottle openers. And that’s in addition to the free bottle of Moorhouse’s beer for all finishers!

The marshals and timekeepers all did a great job, as did John Schofield’s team on the results and the ladies in the village hall for putting on soup, tea and cakes. Many enjoyed their ‘post race debrief’ in the Pendle Inn where more Moorhouse’s beer was available in the form of Clayton-le-Moors Blonde.

The race has historically been held on the first Saturday in April, so next years’ race will follow suit on the 4th April.

Get the date in your diaries for more FREE MOORHOUSE’S BEER – oh, and a good blast up Lancashire’s greatest hill!

Clayton Harriers enjoying their post-race Moorhouse's beer.

Clayton Harriers enjoying their post-race Moorhouse’s beer. Photo by Woodentops.

Lancashire Junior Fell Race Championships

Report by Alan Dorrington

A record turnout of 230 Juniors accompanied the sunshine at Pendle on 6th April for the traditional fell season opener up our local hill. As last year, the race doubled as the Lancashire Fell Champs for Juniors (and Seniors) with medals available to Lancashire based runners and selection for the Fell Inter-Counties Championships up for grabs too for the U17 and U19 age groups and above.

The Pendle courses all feature steep starts, but with plenty of runnable ground in between (plus some hard climbing for the older age groups) before the final swoop to the finish and the traditional ditch at the end.

Sadly Clayton only had two runners in the U9 and U11 age groups but both Francis Woodruff and Lottie Smith ran really well in big fields to take 6th place in their respective age groups, not far off the front of the race.
In the U13s Charlie Fee took a top ten place in the boys race and Eleanor Edwards came really close to a medal in the girls race.
Robbie Smedley, back from injury. Photo by David Belshaw

Robbie Smedley, back from injury. Photo by David Belshaw

Back from injury, Robbie Smedley showed his ability on the fells with a 4th place and Silver medal in the U15B Lancashire Champs. Helana White was the clear winner of the girls race and the Lancashire Champion, also coming in 4th overall.

Clear winner of the U13G Race - Helana White. Photo by David Belshaw

Clear winner of the U15G Race – Helana White. Photo by David Belshaw

The U17 boys showed real strength in depth with 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th – well done Jackson, Peter, Michael and Will. It was also great to see Theo Burfield back racing after quite a long break with injury.

Jackson Mackay. Photo by David Belshaw

Jackson Mackay. Photo by David Belshaw

Ella Dorrington was 2nd (and Silver) in the U17 girls race and gained selection for Lancashire for the Inter Counties in June. She will be joined by Briony Holt who finished 4th in the U19 girls and earned selection too.

Nick Hennessey was back on form in the U19 boys with 7th followed up by Charlie Parkinson in 11th
Francis Woodruff – 6th boy
Lottie Smith – 6th girl
Charlie Fee  – 7th boy
Charlie Barnes – 20th boy
Louis Woodruff – 29th boy
Eleanor Edwards – 4th girl
Emily Nicholls – 11th girl
Robbie Smedley – 4th boy and Silver in the Lancashire Champs
Guy Whalley – 19th boy
Helana White – 1st girl and Lancashire Champion
Sianna Smith – 11th girl
Hannah Eccles – 12th girl
Imogen Ferguson – 14th girl
Jackson McKay – 5th boy
Peter Stevens – 6th boy
Michael Stevens – 7th boy
William Nicholls – 8th boy
William Barlow – 10th boy
Lennon Jackson – 11th boy
Theo Burfield – 12th boy
Ella Dorrington – 2nd girl and selection for Lancashire
Sophie Ashworth – 5th girl
Bethany Wheatcroft – 7th girl
Nick Hennessey – 7th
Charlie Parkinson – 11th
Briony Holt – 4th and selection for Lancashire

Results Roundup

2nd April – Pete Hartley Memorial Liver Hill Fell Race – Results

6th April – Pendle Fell Races – Senior Results – Junior Results

2nd M40 – Peter Coates; 1st M60 – Mike Wallis; 2nd M60 – Geoffrey Gough; 2nd F23 – Rhiannon Wickham; 1st F70 – Karin Goss.

1st F15 – Helana White; 2nd F17 – Ella Dorrington.

6th April – Howgill Fell Race – Results

1st M70 – Jack Holt; 2nd W50 – Jean Brown; 1st W65 – Wendy Dodds; 2nd W65 – Katy Thomspon.

7th April – Brun Valley Trail 10K – Results

3rd overall and 2nd MJ – Nicholas Hennessey; 2nd Female and 2nd F35 – Michelle Abbott; 3rd Female and 1st F40 – Cassandra Smedley; 2nd F40 – Lisa Stansfield; 3rd MJ – Aaron Lundie; 1st F45 – Rachel Gilmore; 1st M75 – Richard Lawson; 3rd F55 – Geraldine Varley; 2nd F65 – Christine Egerton; 1st F70 – Christine Leathley.

7th April – Darwen Heritage Half Marathon – Results

1st FV35 – Donna Airey; 2nd FV35 Lisa Ellis; 3rd MV40 – Craig Nicholls; 2nd FV50 – Helen Harrison.

7th April – Baildon Boundary Way – Results

7th April – ASICS Greater Manchester Marathon – Results

Kevin Davies – MV55 – 02:57:54 (Chip time).

10th April – Mollie Campbell Cowm 5k – Results

10th April – Loughrigg Fell Race – Results (Excel File)

13th April – Eskdale Elevation – Results

2nd M40 – Will Herman.

14th April – Radcliffe 10 Multi Terrain – Results

2nd M60 – Peter Butterworth.

17th April – Billy Knox Cowm 5k – Results

19th April – Salford 10k Road Race – Results

3rd Female and 1st F35 – Laura Hesketh; 3rd M65 – Stephen Biscomb.

20th April – Newlands Valley Fell Races – Results

1st F 50-59 – Jean Brown; 2nd F 60-69 – Wendy Dodds

21st April – Guiseley Gallop – Results

3rd M60 – Peter Butterworth.

23rd April – Witches’ Clough – Results

24th April – Roger Colson Cowm 5k – Results

27th April – Three Peaks Fell Race – Results

1st Class Awards – Andy Laycock (21st), David Bagot (30th); 2nd Class Awards – Andrew Webster, Paul Hesketh, Avril Duckworth, Chris Funnell,

30th April – Orchan Rocks Fell Race – Results

30th April – Geoff Doggett Memorial 5k Cowm – Results

Upcoming Races

For more details see the Calendar

Our Races

  • 14th May – Mearley Cough Fell Race
  • 14th July – Towneley 10k Road Race
  • 24th July – Greenway 5k Road Race
  • 24th August – Pendleton Fell Race
  • 28th September – Thieveley Pike Fell Races
  • 16th November – Tour of Pendle Fell Race

Pendle and Burnley Grand Prix Races

  • 15th May – Wholan Nook Trail Race
  • 24th May – Burnley Lions 10k Road Race
  • 1st June – Kelbrook Fell Race
  • 8th June – Weets Fell Race

Rossendale Harriers Races

  • 31st July – Lee Mill
  • 7th August –  Pilgrims Cross
  • 14th  August – Whittle Pike
  • 21st August –  Golf Ball

Parkrun Roundup

Date Venue Name Age Time
 6th April  Burnley Mark Magee  SM30-34 17:07
Simon Smith SM35-39 17:36
Tj Ellis  JW11-14 29:09
 Clitheroe Castle Andrew Priory  VM50-54 21:31
 13th April  Burnley Jonny Hall  SM25-29 18:52
Craig Nicholls  VM40-44 20:01
 Centre Vale Graham Roper  VM55-59 24:07
 Witton Simon Smith  SM35-39 18:56
 20th April  Burnley Daniel Fleming  SM30-34 17:51
Craig Nicholls  VM40-44 19:59
Michelle Abbott  VW35-39 21:31
Eliena Lusty  JW10 22:45
Alan Archer  VM60-64 23:35
 Hyndburn Kevin Davies VM55-59 20:02
Andrew Orr VM45-49 22:07
Stephen Green VM60-64 22:48
 27th April  Burnley David Edmondson  VM50-54  18:29
William Nicholls  JM11-14  20:08
 Emily Nicholls  JW11-14  24:23

Junior Parkrun Roundup

Date Venue Name Age Time
 14th April  Burnley  Robbie Smedley  JM11-14  07:13
 William Barlow  JM11-14  08:33
 21st April  Burnley  Helana White  JW11-14  07:08
 Louie Woodruff  JM10  08:07
 Erin Hesketh  JW10  09:24
 Phoebe Jackson  JW10  09:28
 28th April  Burnley  Francis Woodruff  JM10  09:00