Category Archive Notice

ByColin Woolford

David Scott – Honorary Member (& President!)

ED: We asked David to put some words together reflecting on his 63 years in the club. Here they are…

At the start of the Centenary Year, the committee have asked if I would accept Honorary Membership of the club, which I was delighted to accept, and as President write something about my many years in Clayton-le-Moors Harriers

I joined the club in 1959. I had run for Lancashire Schools and won various local Youth Club races in the Burnley area. Stan Bradshaw called and talked to my mother about me joining Clayton. Two weeks later he called again to talk to her and that evening she asked me why I had not joined. I said that I only had 5/- (25p) pocket money a week and couldn’t afford the bus fares. She said that she would pay them, so the next Saturday I caught the bus to Padiham, where I waited on the Town Hall steps to be picked up by Stan in his red Volvo to go to the Club Run. These were held from Working Mens Clubs in the local area, 3 of them in Clayton. Over the next months I would look across the room where we were changing to the Senior Men. 4 of whom were to become my idols – these were Stan Bradshaw, Alan Heaton, George Brass and Alistair Patten. Their running achievements were the stuff of legends, including the 3Peaks (more of that later). It would have been impossible to imagine that I would ever be President, as most 16-18 yr olds never think so far ahead and how life will turn out.

I have loved running since I was a small boy when I ran everywhere. I think that I started training for the Burnley Grammas School Sports Day aged 14. Even now I still enjoy training and racing. If it is a running day I go whatever the weather, although since retiring I might delay by an hour or two if it is supposed to stop raining! In 1985 along with Eric Birtwistle, we decided to see if we could run every day for a year. We did, and I continued for 5yrs 29 days until I badly twisted my ankle in the Stanbury Fell Race and it swelled to twice it’s size. For once I used my common sense and rested as far as running was concerned. As a member of the club, I enjoy the camaraderie and the banter, and even the ‘abuse’ from various friends. Only older members may remember my ‘black’ tracksuit, which after numerous washings over the years became a dark brown and was frequently mentioned in the monthly Clem News, which always caused a smile, Even my black shorts were criticised, especially by Jim Dawson, who used to write that they’d been made out of ‘blackout material’ left over from the war!!

The following are just some of the club and team achievements in which I’ve been involved. We were the first club to run a relay on The Pennine Way in 1970 and whenever I look at the photo of the 24 of us on the green at Kirk Yetholm it brings back many memories of that weekend. In the Calderdale Way Relay as O40 Vets. we were dominant for several years, winning 3 times consecutively in ’87 ’88 and ’89 for which I organised a special sweatshirt with the dates, to mark the achievement. In later years I’ve been a member of Clayton teams in the British Vets. Road and Cross Country Relays in which we’ve won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals with some super performances.

I ran my 1st Three Peaks in 1965 and then from 1967 I ran 49 consecutive races. My best time being 2hrs 59mins. One year we finished 3rd team – prize, a toast rack! Looking back to 1965 I doubt that I ever imagined the part the 3 peaks race would play in my life. Unbeknown to me, my daughter who lives in Denver organised a new ‘David Scott Trophy’ in the form of a glass decanter to be presented to the oldest finisher on the day, male or female. In 2015 I was very proud to be it’s first recipient and 4 years later was equally proud to present it to Wendy Dodds, as the oldest finisher that year.

From a personal point of view I set myself some targets when I reached 40. These included running from John o’ Groats to Lands End in 20 days – not consecutively I might add (ED: trail blazing an early virtual challenge?) and then the following year cycling back in 2 periods of 5 days; climbing all the Wainwright Peaks in the Lake District; and running the Pennine Way in 6 days. (ED: Dave went on to achieve all of these challenges).

Other earlier ‘one day’ adventures included running the Welsh 3000 footers with Alan Heaton, leaving Burnley at 2a.m. and returning after an epic day 24 hours later; the Lake District 4 times 3000 ft peaks race with John Haworth; soon after doing the County Tops and I remember climbing up Scafell Pike behind some hikers and laughingly I asked them if this was ‘the way to Hellvelyn as that was our next summit?’ A big 2 day epic was running across the Grand Canyon from S to N and running back the next day. That night Jill and I slept in separate beds in separate cabins separated by the Grand Canyon! And as my daughter lives in Colorado, I’ve climbed 30 of the 54 14,000 footers, but alas, age has caught up with me!

So many memories, mentioned above, came about by being a member of a club and the extra dimension it brings after completing any event, whether you’ve been successful or not, that there is always someone to share the highs and lows.

Clayton-le-Moors is a special club of which I have always been proud to be a member. Here’s to the next 100 years!!

David pushing hard – Parkrun New Years Day 2022

Picture by David Belshaw.

ByJack O'Hara

Colin Shone

Sad news that Colin Shone, associate Clem member since 1994 has died at the age of 89. Although Colin was not an active member he was a keen supporter of the club, acting as a race marshal many times, and supporting his wife Monica who ran for Clayton on the fells from 1986 until her death in 2017

ByJack O'Hara

Club Training Update

Update 25/03/2021

In line with the latest guidelines published by EA, outlining that organised outdoor athletics and running can resume in a Covid-secure manner from the 29th March, Summer training will be back underway over the next few weeks!

The new training schedule will be kept up to date on the training page, so see there for details!

Update 28/02/2021

The newest guildlines have been published by EA, outlining that organised outdoor athletics and running can resume in a covid-secure manner from the 29th March. This is great news and we can’t wait to get training back underway!

We’re currently in the process of confirming what training will be offered from this date, so stay tuned for an update.

More info can be found here

Updated 30/11/2020

England Athletics have release new training guidance that will apply from Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

That means that we can get back to putting on some of the sessions we started up before the second lockdown! We’re still finalising the sessions that are going to be coming back and getting all the details together. Once we know, the training page will be updated. We’ll hopefully have all that info soon, but until then, the training organisers should be contacted to confirm attendance and location.

Happy running!

ByJack O'Hara

Club Championships 2021

Following Mondays committee meeting we were all very minded to come up with a Championships for the club for this year as mass start/open racing resumes in the Summer.  

However…  race calendars are still quite empty for many reasons you can all work out for yourselves, suffice to say although we would very much like to put on a Championships right now, we have no idea what it will look like!

We will have the usual Road, Trail, Fell, XC Champs and Parkrun Cup but how many races over what, when and where is still unclear.

It is anticipated that nothing will start before the end of June anyway in line with ‘the rules’ but hopefully by early June we should have a sense of what a ‘June to December’ (later for XC ) Championships might look like. Details will be posted here and on Facebook when announced.

Thank you for your patience!
The Committee

ByJim Hickie

Annual General Meeting – 30th September

Notice of Annual General Meeting

7.15pm Monday 30th September 2019
The Woodman Inn
129 Todmorden Road

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is your opportunity to influence how your club is run as well as ask questions or raise concerns.

At the AGM the committee post holders for the coming year are appointed together with the posts of President, Ladies’ Captain, Men’s Captain and Auditor.  Any member can stand for a post subject to them being proposed and seconded by another member at least 14 days before the meeting. If you are interested in standing for a post and would like more information about what’s involved, please contact me.

The AGM also allows members to put forward proposals for consideration and voting. Proposals for the AGM must be seconded by another member and submitted in writing to me at least 14 days before the meeting.

Peter Browning, Secretary.

AGM documents will be published at

ByJim Hickie

Annual General Meeting – 24th September

Notice of Annual General Meeting

7.15pm Monday 24th September, 2018
The Woodman Inn
129 Todmorden Road

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is your opportunity to influence how your club is run as well as ask questions or raise concerns.

At the AGM the committee post holders for the coming year are appointed together with the posts of President, Ladies’ Captain, Men’s Captain and Auditor.  Any member can stand for a post subject to them being proposed and seconded by another member at least 14 days before the meeting. If you are interested in standing for a post and would like more information about what’s involved, please contact me.

The AGM also allows members to put forward proposals for consideration and voting. Proposals for the AGM must be seconded by another member and submitted in writing to me at least 14 days before the meeting.

Peter Browning, Secretary.

AGM documents are at

ByJim Hickie

Navigation Workshop – 17th March

Are you new to fell running and unsure how to use a map and compass?
Do you usually simply ‘follow the guy in front’ at a race, hoping he knows where he’s going?
Have you ever wondered where you are on the hill?
Do you fear the mist and wonder how to find your way?
Do you worry about getting lost on the hill?
Would you like to increase your confidence in navigating your way round a fell race?

If you can answer ‘YES’ to ANY of these questions then this workshop is for YOU!

The club is holding a Navigation Workshop to help you increase your confidence on the hill. You will learn how to read a map, use a compass and gain new navigational skills and strategies to give yourself the edge over your competitors.

Boulsworth Fell Race

Colin Woolford at the Boulsworth Bog Fell Race. Photo by the Woodentops

Clayton members Colin Woolford and Mark Nutter will be your tutors for the day. Between them they have over 40 years racing experience over the fells in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, competing in many ‘AL’ races, Mountain Marathons, Adventure Races and Orienteering events where navigational skills are essential. They will be sharing their knowledge with you, to give you the edge on your next race!

Following the Workshop there will be a NAVIGATION THEMED RACE / EVENT to test your newly learnt skills!

The workshop is FREE and open to all members of Clayton-le-Moors Harriers over the age of 18.  Places are limited to 15 on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.


Workshop outline:

Mark Nutter at the David Staff Memorial Fell Race. Photo by Helen Jones

Mark Nutter at the David Staff Memorial Fell Race. Photo by Helen Jones

Saturday 17th March 2018 at Whitehough Outdoor Education Centre, Barley New Rd, Barley, Burnley BB12 9LF.

Arrival at 09.00, grab a coffee and meet your clubmates.

Indoor / outdoor workshop to understand the map and compass, including basic navigation strategies and route choice.

Lunch (a light lunch!). By all means bring your own snacks. We have use of the on-site kitchen so usual tea / coffee / refreshments are included.

Navigation Event – The Race – putting your skills to the test using map, and compass!

Review and close at 16.00.

Attendees will need to bring with them their own compass (as per FRA rules) and usual running gear including full ‘FRA kit’.

If you are interested and wish to book a place please contact: Ladies -Fell Team Manager Sarah Helliwell; Men – Mark Nutter.

If you want further information please contact either:
Colin Woolford: 07747 112346 or
Mark Nutter:  07899 995181 or

Remember, places are limited to 15 and on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

ByJim Hickie

Annual General Meeting – 25th September

Notice of Annual General Meeting
7pm Monday 25th September
The Woodman Inn
129 Todmorden Road

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is your opportunity to influence how your club is run as well as ask questions or raise concerns. AGM documents.

At the AGM the committee post holders for the coming year are appointed together with the posts of President, Ladies’ Captain and Men’s Captain.  Any member can stand for a post subject to them being proposed and seconded by another member at least 14 days before the meeting. If you are interested in standing for a post and would like more information about what’s involved, please contact me.

The AGM also allows members to put forward proposals for consideration and voting. Proposals for the AGM must be seconded by another member and submitted in writing to me at least 14 days before the meeting.

John Wilcock

ByJim Hickie

Wanted – Race Organisers

The club wants to appoint Race Organisers for the Hameldon Hill Fell Race, the Towneley Park 10k Road Race, and the Greenway 5k Road Race. All these races are part of the Pendle & Burnley Grand Prix series.

Each Race Organiser has overall responsibility for a race. This involves obtaining the necessary permissions before the race, and managing a team of helpers responsible on race day for route marking, registration, marshalling, timekeeping and results. Although each race already has an established team of helpers a key part of the Race Organiser’s role is recruiting more helpers. Assistance is available with the organisation of the separate Junior Races that are included with each of these races. Advice and support will also be available from the 2016 Race Organisers Paul Healey (Hameldon Hill) and John Roche (Towneley 10k and Greenway 5k).

Our race organisers usually find the role rewarding and so remain in post for many years. If you think that you could by become Race Organiser in 2017 for one of these three races please get in touch with any committee member.