The 2020 Club Road Championship consists of five races, with a member’s best three races counting. Three races are part of the Pendle and Burnley Grand Prix series. The races are:
Sunday 2nd February 11.00am – Blackburn Winter Warmer 10k
Friday 22nd May 7.00pm – Burnley Lions 10k
Friday 12th June 7.00 pm – Barrowford Grand Prix 5k
Sunday 5th July 11.00 am – Hendon Brook 13.5 miles
Burnley Fireman’s 10k Date TBC
TBC * indicates race that counts for the V65 and older category awards.
Here are the final standings. Congratulations to 2018 Ladies’ Champion Rhiannon Wickham and to 2018 Men’s Champion Luke Turner.
There are separate competitions for Ladies and Men. Points are awarded in each race as follows:
1st Clayton Lady 50 points; 2nd Clayton Lady 49 points; etc
1st Clayton Man 50 points; 2nd Clayton Man 49 points; etc
The points from a member’s best three races are added together to determine the final rankings for Ladies and Men. To be given a final ranking it is necessary to have completed at least three races. The Ladies’ Champion holds the Lady Road Champion Cup, and the Men’s Champion holds the Men’s Road Champion Cup. Awards for 2nd and 3rd positions are also made to Ladies and Men.
Veteran (10 year categories), U20 and U23 awards are also available; the number of awards made depends on the number of members completing the competition in each age category. For the LV65, MV70 and older categories awards are based on the best two out of the three races indicated by * above.
Here are the details of the Club Road Championships in 2017, 2016 and 2015. Congratulations to 2017 Ladies’ Champion Amanda Duffy and 2017 Men’s Champion James Boult.