As a club we endorse the FRA’s Safety Requirements and Rules for Competition. Specifically competitors in fell races:
- Must accept primary responsibility for their own safety on the fells.
- Must conform with ALL the requirements of the Race Organiser (RO).
In practice this means the following:
- Entering any race on the FRA Standard Race Entry Form or the entry form as designated by the Race Organiser. The form should be FULLY and CLEARLY completed.
- Wearing your race number on your chest where it will be CLEARLY VISIBLE to race marshals and at race checkpoints – so be prepared to undo your cagoule to show your number when approaching a checkpoint. DO NOT pin it to your shorts or alter it in any way.
- Once you have collected your race number you ARE a competitor until you either: Withdraw without starting (and inform RO); Retire during the race – including being timed out (and inform RO); Cross the finish line.
- The fundamental requirement is to inform the Race Organiser (not just a marshal) if you have to retire BEFORE OR DURING a race.
- We advise you to read FRA Safety Requirements Section 9. RETIREMENT PROCEDURES
- Take and CARRY the correct equipment.
- BEST PRACTICE is to carry WATERPROOF (seams should be taped) whole body cover (including non –detachable hood). Other body cover appropriate to weather conditions – so hat, gloves and extra layers. Map of the race route and compass (GPS is not suitable). Whistle, Emergency Food for long races.
As a club we can provide advice, guidance and training to ensure that all our members compete safely on the fells. So if you aren’t confident about navigating we have members who will gladly help. If you are wondering about your ability or fitness for the demands of a particular race we have members who can give experienced guidance. If you need help on the suitability of equipment our Race Organisers can help.
Above all we want our members both to be safe and to represent the club in a positive manner. Race Organisers are fully aware of their own responsibilities to runners and as a club we need our members to acknowledge the part they play and to do it responsibly.