Monthly Archive March 21, 2024

ByDavid Siguenza

Tour of Pendle Fell Race

Starting with this years race, entries will be taken on line electronically by .

I have also had to increase the entry fee to cover that cost and also the rising costs of every other expense involved.   The entry for this years will be £14.00.  The site is now open and accepting entries, it will close on the 09 November 2024.  The race is on the 16 November and if anyone misses this date they can always phone me and “discuss”.   (Kieran  07760 667842.)

This will be the 40th race and as for the last few years, I intend to provide enough commemorative tee shirts so every runner gets one.

The cut-off at checkpoint 4 has been very generous towards runners and not really taken marshals into consideration. This year the cut-off at checkpoint 4 will be 1hour 45mins from the start (ie.12:15pm).  The race starts at 10:30am and any delays with the start will be added on to the cut-off time.

If you want to know anything about this race phone me.


ByJason Pier

John Haworth

By David Scott – Club President

 John Haworth.

A past prominent member, John is now in a care home in South Wales near where Pat’s family live, suffering from severe dementia.   He could sense this approaching which is why they moved from Hellifield. For those few members who knew John, and the many who never did, John is the main reason why Clayton-le-Moors Harriers still exists.

In the late 1960’s a ‘Special General Meeting’ was called because a significant group of some of our best runners wanted to join Blackburn Harriers and for the two clubs to be amalgamated, meaning the Clayton club name would be no more.  A lot of discussion, quite heated at times, took place and at one moment it looked as though the ‘breakaway group’ would win.  However, at that moment John stood up, removed a large piece of white paper from his jacket pocket and proceeded to list all the reasons why Clayton should still exist. This speech changed the balance of the meeting, and although when the votes were counted it was a close run thing, the ‘Remainers’ won the day, the ‘Breakaways’ lost.  They all soon resigned and joined Blackburn